I’ll make the efford to elaborate this plain and simple.
Blizz post on this
“Recovery lowered from 0.75 to 0.68” - a whopping 0.07s increase in firing speed
“Dragonblade cost increased by 15%” - A 15% decrease in blade build-time
" Developer Comments: We’re increasing Genji’s Shuriken fire rate to enable him to have more impact outside of his ultimate and increasing the cost of Dragonblade to account for the increased damage potential."
The patch notes you’ve mentioned all fall into the same category.
“Miniscule buffs to theoretical dps, massive nerfs to utility” - Which is exactly what ruins an ability based character.
Properly reading what you quote first helps your point; you literaly spend what feels like hours to find things that do nothing but undermine your points.
Because both of them are a million times worse across all ranks because they are inherently flawed. Putting the level of messed up that Zarya and Sombra are at the same level or anywhere near that of genji atm - Which is implied by it being in the same patch, which therefore shows that blizz thinks genji is AS MUCH a problem as i.e. Sombra.
He cannot double jump while lock-out is present as it disables passives as well - His ability to climb/doublejump IS his passive.
His overall deadliness get’s effectively canceled because he is entirely reliant on his abilites; the same reason simply gimping his damage will not help. He cannot do much without his abilities already - the nerf makes that worse.
Again this is not true. Genji cannot reflect or damage-negate moira orbs with his reflect. They work differently from normal projectile/hitscan damage.
Sym turret beams decrease your speed by 15%/ per turret. Because genjis dash is ramp-up/down dependant his distance get’s massively impacted; currently his dash is 15 meters - Being generous and saying it around halves his distance brings us to 7.5 meters. Which wont even get genji out of reapers effective range.
Syms beam increases in damage the longer you deal damage with the same magazine. Which comes up to 72dmg/s at full charge. That’s a TTK of a little less than 3 seconds for a genji with no healing.
That though is symmetras NEUTRAL GAME, she needs ZERO TECH for that. If genji whiffs his tech or gets otherwhisely knocked out of it HIS neutral game will ALWAYS loose against a sym of around equal skill.
That’s not how Echo works - She has a tri-shot on her primary which, in every probable scenario is both higher dps (at 153dmg/s, 612 dmg with a full clip connecting btw), and much more reliable to hit due to it’s miniscule triangle pattern, in contrast to genjis very far spread shurikens, which stop hitting (normal sized) heros at around 2-3meter.
Echo is, even in genjis “death bubble”, on paper and in practice the better dps; echo is just MEGA buffed genji but y’all cant be bothered to learn her.
Ruining neutral game instead of combating more pressing matters is about as close to “ruining” a characters fun and effectiveness as you can possibly get.
Again. Blade does 110dmg per swing which is every ~0.8 seconds. Nano blade with the 50% dmg buff does 165dmg at same interval. Anas nade increases healing received by 50% as well which makes A SINGLE nade+ana dart heal 105 hp. Which almost completely negates normal blade, and makes people tank 2-3 more nano-blade hits… which is 80% of the entire duration of the blade btw.
The issue with nanoblade isnt the extra damage it’s the 50% damage resistance the nano-target gets.
Genji is fast/hard-to-hit and hits hard himself. So does Echo, Sojourn, Junk (to some extend), Phara, Tracer (and widow because getting to the other side of the map where she’s positioned without getting one-tabbed is a skill-issue on her part). He has individual abilities and weaknesses like every other character.
Cant find the source on it; but the nade creates a cone at use time which is most of your screen in size. If anyone is on this cone and <=10meters away from cass the nade WILL stick and home in on you. The mechanic itself is also insanely buggy as the nade can do full 90° corners at times; it’s arguably more of an issue than genjis kissing your forehead and rightlicking you.
Cassidy hits a single shot, literaly anywhere; he can fan for as much as I care. As long as ONE of those shots connects he can secure the kill by pressing E, as genji forcibly is inside that 10meter range for the nade and all you need to do is have the genji on your screen for a few frames. Great efford there.
His revolver needs aim I dont dissagree with that, but he also does 120dmg per headshot WAY outside of genjis “Deathbubble”-Range. And a genji diving you with 80hp is dead either way. If not you suck. Period.
The fact you 1:1 quoted the wiki goes to show.
".96"dmg ? That’s ENTIRELY on paper. It’s mere mathmatical statistics, not reality.
Each shuriken does 29 dmg currently. If every shuriken connects to the body it deals 87 dmg per volley - That’s how you gotta see this; not the speculations of what the wiki tries to sell.
Moira does a steady 50dmg/s and actually has one tick of 50dmg every second; that’s accurate.
She also heals at 24hp per tick - again 1 tick ever second means 24 hp/s.
Let’s say the moira is ~5meters away from you (they travel at 60m/s). And the 3 shurikens ALL connect on the moira, with a volley time of 0.88s.
That get’s you 87dmg per 0.96 seconds. Which is effectively 1 second.
Remove 24 dmg from that (moiras self heal) that’s 64dmg/s if you have PERFECT shuriken aim.
Moira holds rightclick in your general direction. - See the massive difference in efford and the minimal difference in damage done ? (Also doing the same math with post-patch stats genji does 7 damage (57 total) more than moira in that specific 1v1)
They also have a 4 meter radius hitbox around them which makes them the single biggest projectile in the game. They also slow down if they deal damage or heal someone.
No. No it cannot because the turrets reach is 20 meters and we already established genji dashes at best 10 meters once hit by one.
No. Echo has the single highest primary fire dps in the game and out-damages genji outside and inside his effective range with less aim-requirement than genji, as her primary fire is more accurate and higher damage.
We’ve found another counter to the “overpowered and all-mighty character”. Characters who’ve repeatedly been called out for being extremely unfun to play against as they are hard to hit - Those comments usually came from salty bronze and or console players who couldnt hit the broad side of a barn.
Ana nade out-heals genjis blade, do you really think it wont outheal his already trash neutral game ? C’mon at least make this challenging.
Genji is a DIVE character. As in he is very powerful towards the concept of “get in, get kill, get out. Do that fast”. His window of opportunity is what makes him powerful out of god awful ranks. Removing this window by pressing E on your keyboard isnt fun; it’s not fun for literaly any other Hero in the game as well - one of the reason people hate Kiriko and Bap, and why Ana is one of the best supports in the game.
Zenyattas orbs have a bigger projectile size, arrive on target faster, have a higher fire-rate and each one deals more damage than individual shurikens of genji. Zen also has is spartan kick to force genji out of his effective range and into Zens effective range.
Zen can also discord orb Genji for additional 30% extra damage which makes a SINGLE Destruction-Orb do more damage than a FULL rightlick of genji. (Both to the body).
Zen is the easiest divable out of the supports. But not because he’s a terribly easy to dive character, but because every other suppor is EVEN WORSE to dive.
Bastions turret form also deals 360dps. Yes it can be deflected but deflect lasts 2 seconds and Bastions Assault configuration lasts 6 seconds. That’s 4 seconds of insanely stupid, main-tank melting damage that the whimpy Japanese dude will not surive unless you have terrible mechanics at which point the better player wins naturally. (Bastion also has shield health and the biggest dps health pool which makes him immune to genjis techs)
Torb has a winrate close to 90%, genji has a winrate around 53%. Torb is harder to deal with in all of metal ranks, statistically, then genji.
Again. 3 out of 8 supports (those that, yk, are the most played either way) press E. And stop 80-100% of blade having any impact whatsoever.
Because. Genji. Is. A. DIVE.
His entire playstyle revolves around going in, getting a kill, and getting out.
If you cant do that genji isnt effective. Having to be inside an angry Tanks cheeks, harrasing his hard-tanking support is a quick way to land in the respawn screen.
Any time you waste on genji trying to kill something instead of ACTUALLY killing it, is wasted time you SHOULD have used more effectively.