Genji can deflect high noon, wth

So like, 20 minutes?

Deflecting graviton surge and dragon strike is the real cheese.

This is why you keep genji on the leftmost if you have to press that. At least you get to kill everyone to the right of him before you kermit.

this was a thing since 2016… where have you been?

Yes. It. Is.

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Melee can’t be deflected, it can be BLOCKED. Its different.

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The terminology is True. Was assuming it was implied that Genji deflect encompasses any blocked or deflected action.

He deflects all hitscan and projectiles. However, he blocks melee attacks. The damage of a melee attacks doesn’t get redirected back at the attacker unlike with projectiles and hitscan.

…yep, gotta wait for deflect to pop before going for the noon… :wink:

advanced tip Cassidy fires right-to-left (or is it left-to-right) when using high noon so position yourself with the genji in the middle to at least ensure 2 kills… :wink:

hanzo ult can be reflected, though i’ve never managed to do it. unless it was changed.

If he can deflect a black hole he can deflect a rocket.

You can shoot next to him it will explode and dmg, i always love when genji tries to deflect barrage

Probably a new player learning how odd of a character design genji is that makes no sense.

Yes, that’s how deflect works

the heroes are anime, it doesn’t have to make sense.

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Ya by even anime standards genji deflect often doesn’t make sense in various interactions

But then there’s junkrat trap that holds wraiths that escape blackhole.

in anime, ninjas can deflect solar flares

Sheez touche my weeb level is only Naruto DBZ bleach

Wait seriously? She’s untargrttable while dashing?

Nah you can hit her but using it you can quickly get out of highnoon los