Genji Balance ideas

Being a meta (and also powerful) hero since launch of the game I thought he could use some balance adjustments:

  • double jump is on a cooldown of 5-6 secs
  • dash is no longer reset after a kill (would solve the “out of jail free card” problem where he is rewarded for overextending in enemies backlines
  • deflect lasts less?
    other ideas/suggestions are welcome!

So I guess you just never want to play with or against a Genji again, huh? I think Genji is really one of those heroes who just needs tweaks around the edges. What you’re suggesting is effectively taking a sledgehammer to him.

Hes fine lol. Just get gud mate


its just meant to bait reactions

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He’s been a meta hero for way too long, its some balance idea to make other dps’es viable too, its not like they are even nerfs or anything which would make him useless

Another troll post? I’m falling asleep here :sleeping:


this post has to be a bait lmfao.


this suggestion alone would make him useless the reset is needed to reward securing a kill successfully and as a disengage mechanic.

In the same way, Doomfist generally needs only 2 cooldowns to secure a kill and theb3rd is his escape. Tracer also generally can save 1-2 blinks or recall to disengage.

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is this a nerf genji thread in 2020?


Yes but i need un-biased people who don’t play genji for 300 hrs so we have fair balance discussions about this powerful hero…

good luck, the forums flicker between genji is op broken and genji is a troll pick, so lets find out where we are now

nvm this is a level 7 forum troll acc


so what ur saying is the people who play genji cant talk about their own Heroes balance

also echo exists


We should let him dual-wield shurikens

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Nothing to see here folks, just the daily troll. Move along!

removing dash reset would totally kill genji. it isn’t a get out of jail free card, it’s rewarding the hero who’s meant to flank for flanking and securing a kill.

Well, skipping the 15 triggered replies to this thread, I will say great work, but you missed the changes where we decrease his ult cost by 90% and increase blade’s attack speed by 50%


Lvl 7 and still got more experience on this game than you for example, its not a troll post.

omega troll thread XD

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By your logic we could give Ash ammo reset when killing a hero, would that be Fair?

ash has range and is hitscan