General error 0xe00101c0

Whenever I launch Overwatch 2, multiple things occur.
Firstly, I will get the Steam popup informing me that OW2 is launching. Then, about 15-20 seconds pass before I get a popup reading “General error 0xe00101c0” with 0 elaboration. The application itself may appear, but will never go past a black screen. When I dismiss the popup and the application closes, Steam still registers the game as running until I manually close it from my Library itself.

Troubleshooting options I have already attempted:

  • Verifying file integrity via Steam
    This sometimes fixes the issue and prevents the error from occuring, however it is not a consistent fix.
  • Excluding OW2, its filepath on my SSD and everything else from Windows Defender Antivirus
    I very recently did this so may have done it incorrectly, but it appears to have done nothing as I get the same results as beforehand
  • Uninstall/Reinstall
    While this initially fixed the problem, it returned about a day after I reinstalled it
  • Updating my GPU drivers
    While this initially fixed the problem, it returned about a day after I updated them, which prompted the uninstall/reinstall fix

If anyone has found a way to consistently fix this problem and prevent it from occuring, please let me know.

In terms of PC specs, I can run other games of similar load such as Street Fighter 6 or Apex legends at a stable 60 FPS, launching without issue. This is uniquely an Overwatch 2 problem.

When coming across an error, you’ll want to provide system diagnostic files that other players can use for troubleshooting.

Click here to show/hide DxDiag report instructions
  1. Press Windows Key + R, then type DxDiag and press Enter.
  2. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  3. Name the file dxdiag and click Save.

After you have the report:

Note: If you have trouble posting the URL, highlight the link and click </> on the post editor toolbar.

In the meantime, review the Windows Reliability Monitor (Win10) or Reliability History (Win11), which may show you what’s happening in the background to cause any errors.

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I have had this same error for a month, even contacted support and they could do nothing and told me to post on the forums to get support from the Devs??? and I have received no response, this really sucks, I have actually tried everything thats online.

Above is the pastebin

Additonally, looking specifically at OW2 in Windows Reliability Monitor throws me this:

Overwatch Application

Stopped responding and was closed

‎13/‎11/‎2024 23:23

Report sent

A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Faulting Application Path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Overwatch\Overwatch.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Overwatch.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 672e5f9e
Hang Signature: 9853
Hang Type: 134217728
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Hang Signature 1: 985359b1df75a2a4da50a63c7e82178b
Additional Hang Signature 2: e8c1
Additional Hang Signature 3: e8c19008baa0ff5ebe97952475459746
Additional Hang Signature 4: 9853
Additional Hang Signature 5: 985359b1df75a2a4da50a63c7e82178b
Additional Hang Signature 6: e8c1
Additional Hang Signature 7: e8c19008baa0ff5ebe97952475459746

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 26c70bb408b6f69289cd9f49aa2725d4 (1859317359910004180)

Problem signature:
P1: Razer Synapse Service Process

Problem signature:
P1: Razer Central.exe

This is a known issue with Razer’s drivers and the solution is covered in the sticky thread at the top of the forum. Read more here:

Edit: Fixed error formatting.

Thank you for your informative response!

Unfortunately, it doesnt much matter now since I dared to have fun in Overwatch Classic with my friends doing stuff like building Sym basketballs and got arbitrarily banned for a month because people can just mass report you to a bot for “innappropriate communication”.

Additionally, I have occasionally been able to get OW2 to launch via Steam by letting it run, getting the error message and a black application screen launch, dismissing the error message and letting Windows detect it as crashed and “report the problem to microsoft and all that”. The subsequent launch sometimes launches the game properly, randomly putting it in windowed mode.

I’m currently attempting the Razer related fixes just to attempt them.

hello, any updates ?

I would suggest a clean reinstall of your graphics driver and also making sure it is updated. That is what fixed this error for me when I was getting it on multiple installation types of Overwatch. Full story here: Error 0xe00101c0 - try updating/reinstalling your gpu driver

Edit: given your troubleshooting already, I’m actually wondering if your system is installing a bad driver again after you updated it…which a clean reinstall should help. If you have NVIDIA and GeForce Experience, I would uninstall that and just install only the driver as a download from NVIDIA’s website.

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