Gaslighting Streamers Saying Venture is Bad

Flats, Samito, Emongg, KarQ, etc. All C or B tier. But they’re in every one of my games AND theirs putting in tons of work and CC? What gives?

This hero is busted in the right hands. Map dependent, sure. But the damage output, midrange denial, ult, CC, mobility, and survivability is insanity.


Might just be bad against people who know what they’re doing.


Same situation as why people are so split on sombra right now. We finally get some flankers who aren’t weak (reaper, junkrat) and don’t require very good aim (echo, tracer, genji), and suddenly now the ranks who never had to deal with flankers before suddenly need to learn how to

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Honest answer to the question. Venture is terrible against any kind of ranged poke. Venture has to close the distance but if you just go high mobility or high ranged heroes like tracer sojourn echo moira Kiri etc. venture basically does 0 things.

To put it another way, they made a tank in the DPS category. If they can’t close the distance then they do nothing. Granted venture has more mobility than most tanks but still

I don’t think venture is that strong if you struggle with her, your prolly playing wrong hero…

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I would not listen to these streamers as they all play at the absolute highest level in t500. Basically 0.001% of the playerbase. I don’t know why anyone listens to them. The game they play is far, FAR, different than what we play.


Yup that’s the issue she’s goood as a pub stomp hero in the lower ranks.

She’s easy to counter though.


Every hero is busted in the right hands…

Venture is pretty balanced, someone playing venture is equally likely to do well as they are to feed and do nothing. But I have never been in a game were I thought they only won because venture carried. Someone who is really good at venture would probably do just as well or better on a different hero.

If venture gets nerfed before tracer, sojourn or kiriko then we have a problem.


Are you making sure to differentiate QP and comp?

Many if not most players on this forum are QP’ers and avoid comp. Or even if you’re 50/50 qp/comp, it’s important to keep track if you get demolished by any hero, is it in QP or comp, or both?

Because QP matchmaking can have silvers vs’ing Masters. If you only play QP you cannot have a good faith argument on hero balance what-so-ever because your data you gather is based on high rank players being there to wipe the floor with lower rank players.

In my experience in comp, Venture is decent. But they’re not running the lobbies like Sojourn was on release. One quick recent example, I beat a decent Venture (highest elims/dmg in the lobby) playing Junkrat in comp.

Nobody is running the lobbies on Venture in my rank in comp. But yes, I can get pubstomped by Venture in QP. As with any and every other hero in the game. QP is a jungle.

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shes busted in that you CAN’T interact with her with some characters. shes a roided reaper with a dash that does 100 damage. There is LITERALLY no counterplay with some characters against her when it comes to characters like soldier, junk, sym, zen etc. and the characters that do beat her can ONLY beat her by basically staying out of her effective range. shes a character with rollouts that beats you by being in your face. shes strangely silent when using her abilities and already i’m finding crazy rollouts you can do to basically get the jump on majority of characters. maps like shambali shes a f-ing monster.


Wasn’t Emongg debating putting them in A? I don’t remember completely but I think he said Venture might be A but he put them in B because he wasn’t 100% sure. Mainly because the backlines, specifically supports, are getting dominated by them.

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Wouldn’t surprise me. Other threats supports can fight against enemies more fairly because the other flanking type heroes have weaknesses where you can attempt to out range them with safety in the rear or challenge them 1v1.

Venture has too much burst, too easy to use, and too much bulk to reliably attempt to kill them back. You generally just evade using options like Mercy, Kiriko, Moira, etc. Brigitte is okay since you can shield the quake boop + shield to run away, but its still too much damage to survive and has splash damage around the shield to attempt to generally fend Venture off.


Yea. Most of the supports either just die. Or run away. And running away is advantageous for Venture because it puts the enemy into either a less effective position or in to a position where they are out of LoS of their team.

Venture is tanky, and does good burst, AND moves around a lot. They are hard to hit and because of the passive + high damage a lot of heroes just don’t want to interact with them. But Venture forces it.


It is more that at the highest level the teams are more coordinated, and against a coordinated team, Venture can probably at best trade her life.
And best case is not assured every time, so that could make her weak.

Im not watching enough streams these days, so I don’t really know how Venture fares at the highest level, but she certainly is a menace where I am playing. The most disheartening thing about it is to know how little skill it takes to play her.

She plays like DF… Most experienced Venture players dash out as soon you are about to finish her off!

Emongg put Venture in A tier.


You can just as well say ranks who never played flankers well before, suddenly can.

That would be it but yes, fixed.


So he DID put them in A tier. I thought so, but thought maybe he shifted it after, from what the OP said and I had missed it. lol

Venture is oppressive in lower ranks because when they flank and dig into your back line, the tank and DPS just ignore Thier supports about to be half second combo’d.

Sure they’re balanced in elos where players know what they’re doing. Most players don’t know what they’re doing. It’s sad lower ranks are made to suffer just coz “higher ranks can do it.”