Garbage moira exp back at it again


The fade change ? they are still trying to implement this crap ? don’t they understand that no one with a brain is gonna use this to try and save their teammates ?

Killing myself by ruining my positioning and blowing my only escape to fade into danger to give my team a miserable 1 sec of damage immunity what isnt gonna save them or give me enough time to heal them anyway ? No thx , keep this crap I don’t want , no one wants it

this change to fade has so much downsides and so few upsides its ridiculous


The orb change like why ? damage orb is fine and balanced already , no wait actually its not fine , its UP and situational , how about they stop trying to make it worst because noobies can’t stay near their healers or just idk move away from it ?

Also fun story for the young ones out there , I remenber when moira came out they tried this none sense with orb not going throught shields and let me tell you something kids who were not there at the time , IT BLOWED SAUSAGES !!! IT WASNT GOOD and it got reverted not even 1 day after it was implemented , when the devs still gave a crap about real balance at the time

ALso one of the few orb purposes is too go throught shields , they already half ruined its other purpose that was to put some areas on lockdown by having a long lasting AOE treat in them and they ruined it by making the orb last less long and be less AOE

Can they stop trying to ruining a special ability into being just another boring skillshot that isnt even good btw


the only good change is the grasp but obviously they can’t buff it while also make it harder wouldnt want moira to actually get something good that doenst promote her killing herself or that makes an already UP situational ability in her kit even more UP


I would have thought a GM support would appreciate being able to have impact in the game rather than afking but

Fade doesn’t always have to be used to save team mates, but 1 second damage immunity is very useful. With burst healing being so strong it can double your effective hp at worst, aswell and being used as a high skill reaction to counter ults like flux and blizzard, or used for an extra second to close the gap as a rush comp. I agree the change isn’t perfect but leaving Moira as she is can’t happen.

because none of those changes allowed moira to do anything better

the orb is still crap if not even more crap now damage wise and became even more situational

the fade change promote you killing yourself most of the time for minimal value and while also ruining its cooldown

the grasp change doenst change anything outside of making moira harder but not better

its still crap

1 sec isnt gonna change anything

Its gonna “slightly” help againts ults that are already easy to avoid or counter , houray

probably its the only real worth while use I cann see for it , I’ll give ya that

true but I rather her be the way she is , than whatever pathetic abomination they are trying to make her into now


I think it’s a net buff for good play, so she might actually be playable at high ranks, but its for sure a nerf at low ranks. Is this really a bad thing? I mean the whole issue with Moira is that she takes little skill so she shouldn’t be allowed to be good at high ranks, now you are taking away her power at low ranks where she already dominates and distributing it higher up. Unless you want to keep Moira as a easy to pick up hero for newer players, (I think we have enough of those in the support category though) you should keep looking at changes in this direction.

Not sure why the devs feel the need to fix something that isn’t broken. Moira currently isn’t strong or weak so why go through so much effort to change her?

What about those of us not in GM? Why do characters have to become so gimmicky just to appease one spot in ranked.

The fact that the devs think they’re making Moira more fun to play with these changes scares me a lot…


Yeah, they need to stop trying to add a cleanse effect with an escape ability. It’s really quite stupid and not fair. It should be added as a separate ability. Crazy as it sounds I’d rather ditch a damage orb for a Cleanse orb.

if they did something about the insane power creep this would actually be an interesting and possible powerful ability, but if your teammate starts getting focused they are dead before you come out of fade, the dps is just ridiculosly high

They specifically removed the cleanse effect from this iteration of fade.


This is it. Moira is out of the meta because of her lack of utility but her insane healing and ability to bypass barriers makes her a hero not to sleep on in ladder.

Also people cite Moira having a low skill floor as a reason to change her but like… Why? If you don’t want to play a hero with a low skill floor, don’t play her, but she’s easily one of the most accessable heroes, especially to casual players, and all these changes are set to do is alienate casual players while providing an absolutely minuscule amount of utility that has a niche use at best to more skilled players.

Thanks I just read-

Sorry. So wtf does phase do if it’s not cleanse?

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It makes teammates invulnerable for a second. Like a team-wide Zarya bubble.

Hahahahahahaha that’s so lame.
I guess there’s a few moments you can save the team but not worth most times in my book. At least it’s 6 meters now.

I’d rather have cleanse.
Please god counter play for the bloody Ana nade and damn dynamite.

I don’t understand why we can’t try some simpler things out at first in exp. & why they’re still trying to push this invulnerability attached to Fade so hard. It honestly scares me how they haven’t given up on it.

Just think

  • Press Ability 2 again to freeze the orb in place
  • Press Ability 2 again to do a ‘burst’ of what’s left in the orb
  • Press Ability 2 again to reverse the direction of the orb

Three very realistic changes to at least try. The previous orb change I could actually get behind too. It maintained her playstyle perfectly & gave her more potential. Why are they pushing for a sticky bomb Moira?

My thoughts on this are kind of jumbled. I don’t like the orb change overall, I just want to say upfront. Some people are asking for it to be more of a skill shot, I understand but I don’t think this solution is it. If Blizz decide to keep it though I would like for it to continue to be able to go through barriers even if it’s at reduced damage or be able to do some damage to barriers (even if it’s just the initial 60 tick). Going poof altogether when it hits a barrier just seems vindictive. And I say this as somebody who plays a lot of Rein and Brig, one less thing to worry about would be welcome there, but I also have to weight what it’s like for the Moira and it feels awful for her. Like you’re throwing around feathers or motes of dust. I mean it’s a problem for everyone else to “feel like they’re doing nothing” against DM so Blizz nerfs DM into the ground but Moira experiences this vs barriers and who cares?

On top of everything else I feel that measure is way too restrictive. I think I understand why it doesn’t go through barriers atm, they want people to feel safe standing behind a tank’s barrier (very selectively it seems, moving on though), but as it is Moira goes from being strong against barrier users to being absolutely useless against them when she’s not ulting (as again the orb doesn’t even do any damage TO the barrier, and it’s not like other DPS capable supports like Zen or Baptiste’s damage has that restriction. Orb of discord can’t target enemies behind barriers either, but unlike Moria’s damage orb it crucially has no cooldown). I think with the weakened state of barriers and most barrier characters currently suffering the full 120 would be too much, but doing nothing is definitely not better either.

It also seems weird to me because it’s heavily punitive to slow heroes who already have ENOUGH problems but lets hyper mobile heroes suffer less against an anti-flanker character.

I also kind of feel like the rework screws over Dva twice, who was already in a bad spot and now there’s another counter to her bomb AND DM loses yet another competitive point with barriers. On the one hand it is nice to not have to be the orb cleaning machine and save my dm for other things, on the other barriers just continue to become that much more reliable than DM.

Well there’s my mess of thoughts, sorry, it’s mostly negative. Thanks for reading it if you did.

how about they stop trying to make it worst because noobies can’t stay near their healers or just idk move away from it ?

I agree on this. I’ve never had a problem just moving away from it but here we are.