Game suddenly closed, no error message

Same issue for me. Once on 3/1 in MH or QP (can’t recall which), and then once on 3/3 in Comp. It hasn’t happened since, but I have avoided playing Comp because of the possibility. Ran a “repair” on it today, so we’ll see… Any confirmation of a bug from Blizz?

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This also just happened to me. 4 members of my team (including myself) crashed during a comp game at Busan Sanctuary. I had some friends I was playing with in a group crash a few days ago randomly as well.

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I did the exact same thing, joined an already in progress game, picked tracer, and a minute later the game client closed, with no error message, or nothing in the event viewer for windows.

I have not had any crashes on Overwatch in years.


This also drops endorsement level; it looks like the game registers you as a quitter.

Honestly, I don’t even know what the endorsement levels do, but for some reason I’m still super salty about my 4 dropping to a 3 for this ahaha.

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Yeah, my endorsement level dropped from 3 to 2 because of this.

Hey guys, very important please be very specific to the behavior of your system when it crashed. If there are any error messages, please report those as well.

UPDATE Blizzard is aware of this issue and tracking reports in this thread:

Hi Wyoming, as we’ve noted, the interesting thing about this ‘crash’ is that there are no error messages. The game just closes. It doesn’t even register as an application crash as far as Windows is concerned.

It’s also difficult to replicate (it hasn’t happened to me again) so we can’t really give steps to do so.


Hi Everyone, the same thing happened to me, however, i was in a party of 3 and it happened to all of us at the same time. Me and 2 friends were on Competitive Ilios. Last point and was going well. One of our supports randomly leaves which we thought was odd and then he rejoined. In the next 2 minutes, my game closes without an error message. Speaking to my mates and their game closed also and we were all in a party. Annoying. I wonder how all of us just got closed at the exact same time.

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Yep, it’s actually people making the game crash for other players.
Like in tf2

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Just had this happen to me and my party of 4 moments ago. The first guy that dropped, but he drops on occasion, so we thought it was just him. 2 minutes later, 2 of 3 of us exited to desktop with no error nor anything in the Windows logs. We both tried again, 2 minutes later, exited to desktop without error. Tried once more, 3rd guy exited to desktop without error alongside me.

This is lovely!

Just happened to me.

The very same thing happened to me just now, and about a week ago as well. The first time, although first time for me (no error, just as if I pressed alt+F4) I didn’t think much of it, but this time I thought something must be wrong.

Can’t remember about last week but today I was a backfill in Junkertown, and about a minute in the game, this happened to me. Again, no error or anything.

It has been happening frequently to me too, to the point the game is going to penalize me for its crashes :frowning:

No error messages. It just instantly brought me to the desktop.

this has happened to me as well, but I’ve noticed a pattern when it happens. mostly games where I backfill. i think I had one game where it kicked me late in the match, but for the backfill games i will be able to play for like 20-30 seconds and then get yeeted out with no error message. Its like I’ve alt+f4.

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Guys. Its still a bug of the latest patch. There is no other reason for it to crash. Were still waiting for a fix.

Just happened to my team and I on Blizzard World. Exit to desktop without message.

Having same problem now. I had entered the match, Ilios, after my team lost one point. My game ‘crashed’(closed itself) without any errors. Then I tried to reconnect, it was successful, and game ‘crashed’ again. My nickname ‘for’, game share code ‘WXT4BX’.
Theory with players, who crash other players sounds not so stupid now.

Happened to me a few times now, Overwatch just closes instantly with no error, dropping you back onto the desktop. It’s always happened in match while I’m alive and outside of a spawn room.

This just happened to not only me but my whole team, 4 people we were all playing Hollywood and then each of our games just shut down. Nothing in event viewer showing a crash.

Happened about 9:35 EST, 2 of us first and then third person and the forth person after seeing the rest of us go offline her game closed by itself as well.

Exactly same behaviour. Overwatch was stable for years, no change in my computer, suddenly 5 times this week, the game randomly close, with no error message