Game server connection failed ....... retrying

using desktop launcher getting this error and cant play.
there is a pre release download (I’m assuming its related). woot, affecting me and others on my friends list so not jsut me or the UK but others in mainland Europe too.


Same here. I’m from Spain

Same issue here. Germany.

Same here in The Netherlands.

Same issue here in the UK. Fine earlier on today

UK - same here. Typical when I actually get some free time smh

Edit: UK streamers seem to be unaffected though…

Same issue from Norway. Worked fine like 30 mins ago xD

Sweden, same… it sucks so bad…

same! i’m on console though, juat wanted to chill :')

Yeh same here, but my partner who is sitting next to me is logged in and playing. Seems to be selective with who cant get in XD

Europe region seems to be affected. And just as friday evening hit. Great

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Same here from Italy

Ok so i just changed my region, i can get online when i change from EU to american servers. Strange :smiley:

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Same here, 2 of my friends are in QP though.

Edit: I got in. Chose American servers, but PING says I’m connected to EU

Blizzard hates EU. We are officially their least cared about region :stuck_out_tongue:

Same issue here in Italy… guess I’m not playing tonight :face_exhaling:

How do I change region? I’m guessing it’s in the app

It’s the globe icon next to the game version, above Play

Thanks man. I’m logged in

Same here, I can get on the other servers but not the Europe one.

Worked at 9pm (uk) ish but has since stopped working for no reason. Also had issues even launching overwatch after it decided nope.