Game: Ruin a Hero In 1 Patch Note

Does anyone remember when the update that introduced Junkertown and D. Va’s Micro Missiles went live? Because the patch notes for Mercy in that one would be my answer, and it ruined Mercy for me(specifically Mercy in game, and mainly just her kit, I still love Mercy as a character and she has hands down the BEST skin in the game #pinkmercybestskin and I recently met Lucie Pohl in person at Denver Comic Con[as well as the VA for my waifu D. Va, {Charlet Chung} as well as a picture with her] and she’s a good person too, but Mercy’s playstyle has been ruined for me since then, but I will still play her if I want to make peace with my enemies)


Too soon :joy::ok_hand:


  • Sentry mode minigun sound volume and falloff increased 300%

  • Sentry mode continuous firing for 3 seconds causes the weapon to overheat. You have to wait for 5 seconds for it to cool down. Mei can shoot at Bastion to cool him instantly.

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I think that patchnote ruins all other heroes lol

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Bring back the “bang” voiceline.

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-everytime reinhardt gets stunned he gains 500 health and a 50 percent speed boost

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  1. Can no longer fly
  2. Left shift ability makes her go up, but once she touches the ground she dies
  3. Doesn’t take damage from primary fire

Developer comments: People hate how she flies and that only hitscans, like Soldier and Mccree, can kill her, Since she can’t fly now we want to punish her using her left shift. Jeff is also a Junkrat one trick, which will make him happy

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Pharah’s gravity is inverted. She can walk on every map’s ceiling.

Can’t make up my own quote without it not counting as characters. That’s dumb.



Literally all of his bugs come back and his RP hitbox is shrunk back down to pinpoint accurate.


-Mercy can no longer use Pharah as a Guardian Angel target
-Mercy’s healing beam reduced to 5m

Developer Comments: You thought we had to make changes to Pharah to significantly reduce her power. You were wrong.

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How’s about we take away a hero’s mobility, ability to headshot, AND Overall Damage?

That sounds like a FUN Patch. -.-

However, Mercy’s gun now fires Pharah rockets instead of the regular shots.

Mei: Range and cone of primary fire increased to match that of Winston’s gun.

Developer comment: We felt that Mei’s freeze wasn’t doing enough and was too easy to escape. This should make her presence in battle more impactful. If it still is too weak, we will look at increasing the freeze duration.

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I have several questions, mostly involving how some weapons would be reloaded by external means:

  1. How do you reload a mace?
  2. How do you reload a mech while inside it?
  3. How do you reload a metal fist?
  4. How do you reload arrows?
  5. How do you reload a… umm… (muffled yelling: “WTF WOULD MOIRA’S BACKPACK BE CONSIDERED!!??!!??”)PASS!!
  6. How do you reload a hammer?
  7. How do you reload if you just have a portable dimension full of shotguns hidden in your cape?
  8. Not really a question but a flaw: Torbjörn’s RIVET-ing Rivet gun(sorry for that bad pun) is reloaded by molten metal, he picks up scrap metal from his victims(as well generated naturally, but more effective off his victims from his 2 children: MY BABY!! And Level 5 Turret) so he technically creates and smelts his own ammo
  9. How do you reload spiritual balls?
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Zenyatta stands on 2 feet, and starts to dance.

Developer note:
The game needs some more positivity.


All enemy heroes caught in Transcen-dance AOE are locked into their dance emote for the duration.

Zenyatta has been renamed “Lord of the Dance”

Torbjorn’s turret now shoots Pharah rockets.

dev comment: we felt like torbjorn was a little lackluster and needed something to improve his standing in the game.



  • Shrug Taunt now eliminates the whole opposing team

Developer Comments: We’ve been putting a lot of our focus into Reaper as he’s been suffering in the current status of the game.
We feel that the world needs to understand just how strong and awesome this taunt really is and it’s current iteration does it no justice. Shrug on bishes

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  • Junkrat can now accidentally step in his trap.

Dev Comments: “We needed to find more ways for Roadhog to complain about how stupid his partner is.

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  • Broke up with Emily and hooked up with a guy.

Okay, okay, that’s too far. Here’s the “real” suggestions.


  • Junkrat and his teammates are now hurt by his own explosions and can trigger his own trap.


  • Deflect now deflects healing Genji would receive onto enemies.

Reaper and Doomfist

  • Killing Reaper and/or Doomfist now causes the game to immediately end as the main threat to the story is dead.
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  • Ord of Discord removed.
    Dev comments: ‘‘Being able to amplify a lot damage done to other heroes made Zenyatta incredibly valuable. We felt that his discord was simply doing too much and have decided to completely delete this ability.’’
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Widowmaker now can automatically hit shots against heroes with metal on their heads because of magnetism.

Developer Comments: We feel widow needs to hit more shots and I don’t know how to make this italic.

P.S. When you type “Widowmaker” in the forums, it has the red line underneath. When you right click, one of the options is “windowmaker” lol.