Game Modifiers Need A Change or Something

They really need a rework of some sort or removal idk just something, there is no way in he11 that I had the “reversal” modifier applied to me 2 games in a row 1 where my team could physically do nothing against the enemy team to the point of being spawn camped. You favored my team to win against that? 2 my team REFUSING to counter swap the problem characters on the enemy team and proceed to just rotate through the entire roster of DPS leaving us with 0 dps ults for a majority of the game. I’m so tired of getting the reversal modifier in games that are absolutely unfair and clearly favored for the enemy, meanwhile when im on the team that stomps the enemy so hard i get nothing applied and if I do its rare, so which is it overwatch? I get stomped and get a negative modifier but when i stomp i get nothing? Seems fair

Just stop checking every game.

Micro managing it won’t help you.

Broken, bugged, perfectly working… Doesn’t matter. Play to have fun, play to improve and you’ll always end up where you deserve.

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Yea nah i stopped believing in that a long time ago with how lopsided and broken matchmaker is. Doesnt matter how hard I try how well I do it affects nothing when im getting constant strings of throwers and people who legitimately do not know how to play the game against max level hard teams that know everything

You stopped “believing” in having fun in a video game
Because you believe forum conspiracies instead.

Makes sense. You do what you need to do.

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Wet wipe Ruko, female dog, please just stay the face umbrella . Literally tired of your constant gas lighting, Damn near everyone agrees this MM is fubar. IRL, let’s meet at this point. See if you can carry the same sediments

No? Thats not at all even close. I stopped believing because the game is dgsht. The matches arent fun when they are constant stomps over and over. “Learn and improve” there is literally only so much you can learn and improve on but that will not change the fact that if ur whole team is a dud and the enemy isnt then ur sore outta luck. Now apply that for 5 games in a row, then when does it become fun exactly? Its not fun sitting in spawn multiple games in a row, its not fun constantly getting dived on by 2 people and no one turns around to help, its not fun to sit through a match that is clearly a loss from the start

If your whole team gets 1k damage, there is no learning. It’s like the Barkley commercial. No way those kids are getting any value from him dunking on them.

Exactly this, if ur team is sitting in spawn because the game decided to put u against a godly team then what exactly do you learn? How to hit the basketball into the hoop? If ur team isn’t sitting in spawn and still trying while being hard stomped, what are you supposed to learn when ur dead every 2 seconds. Going on about i think 10 losses 3 wins right now because I am constantly getting put with people that have no brain against teams that have every brain cell known to man.

Lemme tell ya what I learned from those games.

  • Tanks/DPS don’t know how to counter pick and would rather remain the ones getting countered the entirety of the game then proceed to blame the supports as the reason.

  • DPS/Tanks don’t seem to understand the concept of peeling for their support when they’re in trouble, but it’s okay because the enemy always peels for their supports, so they have 1-0 deaths while our supports have 9+

  • DPS complain way too much about not getting healed when they have been getting healed the whole game and what they mean to complain about is that they’re not good enough to do anything unless they have a pocket 24/7.

  • Tanks/DPS don’t understand what a corner is because every time they’re low they stand out in the open or charge in while on crit, die and then cry about healing.

  • DPS/Tanks not paying attention/no game sense. Both supports are dead, or 1 is dead and other is coming back from spawn or trying to keep 3 ppl alive by themselves. In comes the I need healing spam and the “support diff gg”, when in reality enemy has a sombra and or tracer in the backlines harassing tf outta both supports or spawn camping and despite asking for help multiple times it falls upon deaf ears and apparently the kill feed doesn’t exist because they clearly don’t see their supports getting picked off.

  • DPS/Tank dont understand the concept of falling back or grouping up when a majority of the team is dead and instead would rather trickle in or continue pushing in then proceed to say " yo where is my team?!?!"

  • Ur not allowed to dps on Moira EVER, outta heals? Oh well you can’t dps otherwise you’ll get yelled at and called a dps moira, doesn’t matter if ur out healing the other 3 supports by a significant amount ur just a dps moira and not healing anyone at all.

  • You’re playing Mercy and pocketing one of the dps they die from poor positioning and gameplay, then proceed to say “Heals???” when you in fact were healing them that entire time but it didn’t matter because they ran into a 1v3 and expected you to out heal incoming damage from 3 people at once, silly me I’ll do better next time and kick into maximum overdrive healing so you can take on a Mauga and Bastion without losing any HP at all.

Thats what i learned from a majority of my games :smiley: