My game keeps on crashing every time i open the game. why is that? I love playing overwatch but this is starting to bug me because i dont know what to do after reinstalling the game.
Do you have Razer software installed?
Black Screen Crashes Due to Razer Chroma Software
We’ve received a number of recent reports of crashes with recent builds of Razer Chroma SDK. Razer has been working on the problem for a while, and it appears to have been fixed with Razer Synapse 3. Below are steps to resolve the issue.
Attach your Chroma compatible device and install Razer Synapse 3 . If you no longer have your Chroma device, follow the manual installation steps below and Contact Razer if this does not work.
If you still have…
If that doesn’t work you may want to post a DXDiag . Only post the DXDiag and NOT a MSInfo.