Game history from yesterday removed

Hi everyone! I played about four to five hours of Overwatch yesterday. I like to VOD review my games after my play sessions, and I did two reviews last night immediately after. I figured I would save the rest for today.

When I opened overwatch this morning, I was able to review one more. I got back home after several hours, opened overwatch, and now it says the last games I played were Quickplay games from 2 days ago. ALL of the games I played yesterday are now gone from my game reports, replays, and the competitive progress page. It is not a normal history wipe, as it seems to only have removed all the games I played yesterday.

Unsure if this is a bug, I guess, but it definitely isn’t normal.

Updating to add: my duo who played with me yesterday also checked their history and yesterdays games were removed from their replays as well. As if they never happened for either of us…


Me and my dou are also having this issue. I haven’t found other people talking about it much either so maybe they just haven’t noticed.

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Games from yesterday are gone for me too, but replays from a week ago show up.

i also wanted to add i have the same issue. only shows games from 3 days ago, and only one highlight remains from the missing games

deffo a bug and i hope they can fix this as i too, do vod reviews

Edit: it does keep ur winstreak if u were on one before, so the bug is just deleting the replays and game reports but it recognises the games DID happen.

Yeah, this is a really annoying one. Noticed yesterday that all of the games I played in comp from the day prior were missing. Today, the game before the most recent one played was recorded but not the one I just played. I could not even endorse anyone from the most recent game, it was just showing the people from the game prior that I had already endorsed.

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