Game glitched my plat 4 to be gold 4 in rank adjustment

So I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else, but today I played competitive as normally, and I have been Plat 4 this whole time. I got my 7 wins done, around 50-50 W-L ratio (so I’m pretty sure I will drop like a division), and when the rank adjustment animation screen comes in, it all of a sudden starts it with Gold 4 instead of Plat 4 and rises me up to Gold 1. Seems like it either forgot my rank out of nowhere, or then on my previous round of 7 wins, it dropped me a full 5 divisions with a 50-50 score back then too, but didn’t show it, because it clearly stayed the same division and I have been staring at my rank logo daily.

Just throwing this out there if anyone else might have bumped into this one.


Im having the exact same problem and the exact same rank. I was plat 4, it made me gold 4 and ranked me up to gold 1, did you find a fix?


Same thing, was plat 5, after adjustments I “ranked up” from gold 5 to gold 1? 7 wins, 4 losses


Just went 7-2 was silver 4, after adjustments I ranked from bronze 4 to bronze 1?
Second time something like this has happened this season. :frowning:


I’ve just had the same issue twice now. Both times I was in gold but it’s said I’ve ranked up from Silver 5 to Silver 1.

Why hasn’t this been acknowledged in the known bugs yet?


Just had the same problem at Plat 4 updated after 7 but showed Gold 2 update to Gold 1. So annoying to end the season like this.


Tips to fix-
Restart the game.
Update your game.
Update your drivers.
Check for compatibility issues.
Ensure there are no modification issues.
Verify game files.
Reinstall the game.

Rachel Gomez


I had this happen today too, and I have proof of it on my stream. I was silver 5 and then it said I went from bronze 2 to 1.


This happened to me just now. I was Plat 4, won 7 games, but the game suddenly acted like I was Gold 4 being “promoted” to Gold 1. I check my ranking on my profile before each match. I’m concerned about this since I was obviously trying to get as high as possible before the season reset. Seeing that Blizzard doesn’t give a crap about this bug, I’m guessing there’s no resolution and that I just wasted my whole week trying to rank up.


Yup I got the same thing! It’s honestly so infuriating when you’re ranking and actually doing well to get that result. It happened to my friend as well. I wish we could of be compensated at the end of the season since we had to grind lmao.


Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.

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So…they still did nothing to it? Cuz I faced to it yesterday…


Same thing. Was grand master 5 and after winning the games, glitched and went from master 5 to master 3…


The bug is still happening. I was gold 5, but after ranking up it showed me at silver 4 ranking up to silver 1. I was able to rank up to gold 5 again on my next rank up, but the next time I got my 5 wins it showed me going from silver 4 to silver 1 again. Haven’t played much comp since. My record is 41-31, so it’s not likely I secretly deranked that much twice.

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Same thing happened to me, I finally got my dps out of bronze, won 5 games, only lost 3, then my next rank up said I had gone from Bronze 5 to bronze 2 even though I had JUST hit silver in my previous 5 wins. Blizzard WTF?

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Idk if it’s the same issue but it made my diamond 4 into plat 4 and “ranked me up” to plat 2


This happened to me too, I was platinum 1 and when I ranked up and should have went to diamond, I went to gold 2…