Game freezing with Intel i3 / Dual core CPUs

if nobody got it now, it probably won’t happen anymore

I am laughing because this problem was already in beta and is still on premire

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it’s obvious they just don’t want to reply cuz we’re the first thread on the list and they reply to the other threads


I am experiencing the same problem, crashing about 1-3min after opening overwatch, whether in match, menu or training range

Don’t think it is an issue with 2core

Amd 3600
32gb ram
1660 ti

Another thread with the same issue, I got the same log error messages as well
“ERR: … is the leading path component”

This is insane… This is what we got after 1k+ days waiting for ow2, like, wtf Blizzard.

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The worst part is that we can’t play ow1 which worked perfectly for us and so far we don’t see any response from them that they are working on solving this bug


Let’s try reaching them on twitter. Try retweeting or commenting on this tweet.

It might make it easier for them to see. Many people are affected.


There was already one here that tried on twitter

here i found it
ඞDmonඞ na Twitterze: „@aaronkellerOW Could you take a look at this forum? there are many people whose game is freezing and they can’t play. Pls help us! This problem has been going on since the first beta” / Twitter

Tried the hyperthreading, didn’t work one bit.

It’s just simply pathetic that they are offering all these seemingly nice things if we pay for a battle pass. But why?? I certainly am not until this is fixed. Why would I want to waste on something that is just gonna be sitting there…

I’m at -75% XP 10 Match remaining. I am beyond WORRIED of getting suspended.

Now if i try, i try in the “fun” modes or in train mode. I don’t gonna risk my acc. I have 12 matches whit the -75% XP

The game mode I like the most is Total Mayhem… But its not there every day with the daily changes. I have loved the quick play since the Beta. I still had the same problem with freezing/crashing but not so much as now. Also since it was a beta they did tell us to ignore the “penalty” message. I even have a picture on my instagram about the push mode where I pushed 144,822 Kilometers, playing many matches as Mercy, and a sample of my heroic exploits… Its beyond frustrating and sad that a game I love has turned into whatever you want to call this mess.

The only thing left for us is to hope that they will not ignore it…


I don’t want to jinx it but hyperthreading seems to be working for me, weird. Apart from the FPS drops but I’ve just realized all my graphics are set to ultra so maybe that’s why

I don’t think it would work for me, I already play on low anyway


Though i’m mostly explaining my fav game mode because Proloco10 is right, only in arcade and custom games is where we most likely wont have to deal with getting suspended.

I already have my graphics set to low… hyperthreading makes the game so laggy I dont wanna deal with it but it didn’t work for me I crashed at 75% of a game.

I gonna try to change the hyperthreading setting.

Please do share how your experience hyperthreading will be.

I disable it and nothing. I still getting the crash.

I’m just playing arcade at this point, with all the freezing/crashing… its all I can do…