Game freezing with Intel i3 / Dual core CPUs

With the command and the task manager stuff the game is playable, but I still hope they fix this error

not for everyone tho

YEAH unfortunatlly some people it wont work its probably releated to other issues in this forum or there pc.

others wont read the threads put in a command line and start getting problems because cutting threads to 2 but retaining all preious epic 200fps reflex with mat data will take its toll but if they dont read what can you do

ok so when will they fix it cause i cant play like this i just want to play with friends without having this problem and i am getting punished for just playing and game crash this is not ok


i fno one else has wrote a technical thread on ow2 on steam deck maybe you should.

However it might get insta deleted by moderators but to the platform.
BUT I knew those steam deck fan bois would come through. that device is going to have quiet a following. I might buy gen 2 i think they will improve quiet a few things in specs and tacility of buttons and joystick feel.

This is the only thing that fixed the crashes for me:

Turn graphic quality preset to LOW.

The other settings doesn’t matter (you can put the all the way up) but is important that the graphic quality preset is set to LOW and nothing higher than that.

2 match with active hypertrhead without crashing…
Did they fix the error?

We’ll see.
I will try 1 ranked.

And it crashed/freezing :smiley:
9 days and 0 solution.

I disabled hyperthreading again =/


welp new update didn’t fix crashing for me, guess we’ll have to way another week…or two

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there no point turning preset to low, then applying High ultra and epic underneath. that is effectively a high/epic preset. if you can run that set it to ultra, turn low amibient occlution and dynamic reflections and drop texture filtering to x8. some of these setting might already be the default for ULTRA

Apparently it is not. There are also visual differences when using low preset compared to high with the same settings.

yes but a preset is just using the drop down boxes below. turning them up to epic is still a epic preset.

also i have found medium more stable than low on stutter.

i run a i5 2c 4t and i am good at 1600x900 8gb sys mem 2gb gpu 4.5-5gb free memory prior to ow2 start no gaming kb/mouse software background running- laptop
cmd 3 threads for a target fps of >45 is acceptable to me on my 60hz.

Graphics quality:- Ultra

high sample upscale amd fsr 1.0
image sharpening0.25
texture quality High
texture filtering quality High 4x
local fog Medium
Dynamic reflecttions Medium
shadow detail Medium
model detail High
effects detail Medium
Lighting quality High
antialias quality medium smaa low
reflaction quality low
sceenshot quality 1x
ambient occlusions low
local reflections on
damge fx low

on gameplay/general/network.
Limit client send rate ON
limit server send rate ON

dynamic rendering ON
frames AUTO
vsync OFF
trip buff OFF
reduce buffering off
Nvidia reflex DISABLED

That is not how it works in OW.
For example the trash bins in Hollywood attack spawn still uses lower geometry with low preset compared to high even if you select highest model detail both times.

I am sure they just forgot to put something related to higher preset setting which is causing the crash.

if the game is lagging a lot for u just try:
-–tank_WorkerThreadCount 3 -thread 3
the game is a lot smoother(still lags a bit)
but the crashes are gone for me.

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i am not crashing on that preset. with a few things reduced.

and freezing because i believe there a botleneck on cpu mem network and traffic routed to gpu. its not the preset thats faulty.
NOW the game on memory leaks however and core utilization at a fundamental level i say has issues but this preset menu I don’t think so.

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For me it was an issue with loading Route 66 map for some reason and occasionally mid match in other maps.

It may be a different issue especially considering the commands didn’t change anything for me even though I have dual core processor.

A common thing i see in ow2 if the map populates at loading at near 3gb in spawm on firs load, but as you entering in the game after just a few minutes (I think with dynamic render off maps swell to 4-4.5gb in some cases to 5.7gb. buy 3/4 of the way through a rounds time on large maps like esperanca.

thisis IMHO is a catalyst and may well be a reason why games crash after a few minutes that why people freeze and crash. mid game but not in spawn. or in the first few minutes IF YOU CAN GET THAT FAR.

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It’s insane, tried like all fixes i found and nothing worked.
Specs: i7 8700k, 32GB ram and a RTX 3080…

My game is just closing after like 1-3min, like ur pressing alt + f4.
It’s not freezing or whatever. It just doesn’t makes any sense.

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did you enter a cmd line if you did? have you lowered your graphics preset. AND whats your target FPS.

KATE yesterday came in with a high spec system like yours we gave tham a few things to check and they went away and never came back but your problem sounds like that problem. review what we suggested (her post where in last 24hours.

EDIT this is the start of that conversation

I get 2.5GB on average so idk about that but the vram is twice the size of OW1 on the same settings without much of visual difference compared to OW1. However it only takes longer for hero models to load and lowering the textures and model detail didn’t do anything regarding the crashes.