Game declared officially dead?

These are perfect examples. Lol

Like, imagine thinking BC or Wrath were bad. Especially bad enough to kill the game.


I dont think the hero lock will be a problem since if you do your dailies and weekelies you should be able to unlock the hero before the comp unlocks (that is if you play comp). I play very casually and had unlocked kiriko on about two and half weeks in. The grind is not that difficult, we just have crap rewards at the moment.

I remain hopefull after the full realease of OW2 (this feels like a BETA with extra steps) that everything will be fixed… until then i will enjoy my casual matchs with friends. people come and go so many people will log in to see the new hero and then if they dont like the new stuff will leave again, only to log in again when the new stuff are released and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, I want Overwatch to get better. It’s a game I really came to love playing after discovering it on YouTube.

It’s the only modern game I play anymore, if it wasn’t for Overwatch 100% of my game time would be on Sega retro games.

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Obviously you have no clue what you’re talking about. Show some evidence before claiming that it’s “obvious”.

Back in September:

Free! It’s all free you guys! FREEEEEEE!

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I find the gameplay mostly fun but the monetization kills me.


even through those years of no substantial content we were still getting consistent repeat events with full sets of free cosmetics - which I and I’m sure many other players came back to play for - now that that is gone - well lets see.

Exactly, and I enjoyed the final days of OW1. Now, with all that gone, I dont know if most of the old playerbase will come back if they slack with the skin prices :frowning:

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10-20 dollars every 9 weeks. That’s anything but free for new content.

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i will make a prediction that the PVE will cost around 20 USD and if you want the BP it will be another 10 USD so its more like 30 USD every 9 weeks.

As is the 10 USD BP is optional since its just skins so if you dont want it then you are essencially play for free

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…That was the entire point of my post.
They said “free” so many times it concerned me then.
Sure the gameplay loop is free. Everything else though…

Anyway. Not spending a cent on supporting their stupid anti consumer antics.