Game crashing on startup

Howdy JaBu,

These black screen crashes are typically caused by Razer Chroma, which could have come pre-installed on the computer. It’s also possible that old Razer Chroma files have been left over after uninstalling the Razer software. Try the steps here to make sure the Razer Chroma files have been completely removed. If that doesn’t help, let’s get a DxDiag:

  1. Press Windows Key + R.
  2. Type DxDiag and press Enter.
  3. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  4. Name the file “dxdiag” and click Save
  5. Paste the DXdiag into the post, select and highlight everything you just pasted, and hit the “preformated text” button (</>). That’ll make the information much more readable.
It should look like this.

If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).

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