Game audio distortion (with video)

Game audio sounds weird ever since the Season 5 launch. All noises related to the player, apart from voice lines, are distorted.

Here’s a video documenting it:

The noise is genuinely so grating that I find playing Overwatch comfortable impossible, my ears just start hurting after a few minutes. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Played on Xbox Series S.


Playing on Xbox series S with the same issue. Glad to know I’m not the only one. Hope they fix it soon :pray:


Have they not addressed this yet?! I just started playing this crap and it sounds like I’m in a god damn tin can! Why on earth has there not been a hot fix yet?


Same here in PC, since the update of the new season


It’s a reverb/tube echo type effect applied to everything and it sounds genuinely awful and muddied all the audio. I have this on Series S, my friends on Series X also have similar.

I’m surprised more aren’t talking about it so I guess this isn’t an issue for everyone? I am struggling to play competitive with it at the moment it really needs a hotfix ASAP.


Xbox Series S, same problem since new season.
Not a true fix, but an alternative - change your Xbox audio settings to uncompressed. Takes away spatial sound but also the reverb etc.

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Seeing this issue on PC but only with hero voice lines while I am in any “indoors” area or underneath other terrain. It’s most prominent when someone swaps heroes and their new hero’s “I was just picked” voice line plays.

Open air areas like most of the first point of Junkertown don’t exhibit the issue.

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Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Known Issues - June 13, 2023:

Same issue on ps5. . .

Its so much worse if you get nanoed

Have this issue on PC as well

OMFGGGGG fixxxxx the audiooooooooo

24 hours later and its still trash!


it’s an issue for everybody. They wrote about this in the patch. They are trying to solve it. Next time read the patch notes.

Got this issue on Xbox Series S. I main doomfist, and its even worse due to the constant distorted and loud ability sounds. This applies to every hero I play too. Very annoying

I hope you communicate with people in the game better than you do on the forums. Next time do better.

Anyway, I do not think this is an “alternative” version of the reverb because it’s continuous and static, disabling it would be better as it’s clearly not just lacking it’s nonfunctional for purpose. I don’t think Blizzard would have it enabled at all if they knew it would bug in this manner, which is what we are reporting.

Having the same issue as well as my friend. we’re on xbox s and xbox x.

This seems like something incredibly obvious to be picked up by QA, that I have to feel that it was and they decided to release anyways. Patch should have been delayed to fix this (imo), this is a really annoying bug.

The audio sounds horrible since the most recent patch. I’m playing on Xbox Series X.

Some of the sound effects sound lower quality, and some sound like they’ve almost got a flanger effect on them. Also, the proximity stuff is all out too, for example, if a teammate use Lucio’s emote where he breaks out his DJ gear, you only have to step back a short way before you can’t even hear it.

To be fair, it does say this in the patch notes: -

Due to a bug, we temporarily need to change the audio reverb settings used throughout the game to an alternate method. We hope to have this fixed in an upcoming patch.

But it seems there’s more going on with the audio than just reverb issues. That said, maybe the reverb issues are having a knock-on effect on the audio in general.

I promise I do xd

Unfortunately, Blizzard is not known for doing things properly if they would knew the decision would ruin player’s experience in game.

I totally agree. But well, small indie company.

Im glad, but its a damn shame im not the only one experiencing this. Ive just been dealing with it, someone described it perfectly as sounding like being in a tin can lol. This needs to be fixed. Has anyone played with the Audio Mix setting?? Im hoping one of the settings will make it tolerable.