I bought this account to play DPS in comp as I didn’t know if I would be throwing on my main (which is plat), turns out I got placed higher than my main but now I’m gaining and loosing about 60 SR per game. Is this normal for low level accounts???
You realize that the way you just said that, makes it sounds like you just openly admitted to buying a Blizzard account from someone else??? And you do understand that if thats the case, that it is a breach of Blizzards EULA and you can be banned for it? Just sayin. Might wanna change your wording around a bit man.
How does it sound like I bought it for someone else???
New accounts gain and lose more SR after their first couple of games, as the matchmaking closes in on their rank, this number decreases to about 23-25 per game
I’d assume so, remember how for Comp CTF everyone was getting 50+ up or down at the start per game
Just in the way you worded it is all. Just wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case lol. No worries.
Yes. This is normal. It typically ends by game 20 (including placements) and your gains and losses will be 20-30 like normal.
How does playing lights out like triple gold affect things vs say someone who is griefing with zero kills.
I had a simmetra grief once and she put the teleporter so it faced the edge of a cliff and proceeded to get zero kills. I was hoping he/she lost more SR than I did for the game. He was mad that I took junkrat, which is apparently who he wanted to play.
My new account I got, Placed high platinum. Im pretty sure it was around 2905, After playing 2 games I had reached the number 3020 on the fresh account. Are you sure its 20 games including placements, which makes it 8 games remaining for me. Could it not just be that you are performing super well, but the game does not want you to put you that high yet. Checks how you are doing in my case [platinum] And If it goes super well I keep gaining 60sr till I get to my ‘real rank’.?
It’s normal to gain and lose high amounts of SR for the 9 games following the first placements.
wow lucky you got sr i lost conenction so it made me lose 100 sr and we still won when i reconected but i never got any back so jeff do something to give me back my sr cause you know that isnt fair to lose sr for winning
It’s possible that if you keep winning you will gain large amounts of SR for longer than 20 games. That wasn’t what happened to me (Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted) but I’m not a GM and had a win rate of about 50% on my new account.
I had something similar happen except it was only 50 SR. I rarely ever experience disconnects and this one time when I got disconnected I joined back in the 2nd round and was fine I healed as normal damaged boosted etc we won but for some reason my SR didn’t go up it went down 50 and I was really confused. I came back way before the match was close to being done yet still lost SR? I thought it was a loss of SR if u left and didn’t go back like i was so confused it’s happned to my friend as well
yes, its a way for your account to settle into its proper rank faster