Gaining 2 SR in bronze - I demand explenation

I am seriously tilted right now. Last two games of the night and this bs.

F97C3W - 4 stack on enemy team is Deranking/Throwing and I gain only 2 SR. My performance wasnt worth 2 SR. How can I even gain that low SR gain.

Z7TZ7M - losing against smurfs on new accounts. And of course I lost 21 SR.

How is that fair?

You’ll get such low SR gains if you left your previous match after someone else left.

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I didnt leave previous match. I didnt leave match like over 100 games.

idk then I guess u just really really unlucky

Watched the last game code you provided. who’s the smurf supposed to be?

Guy playing Mei/Pharah, but I think someone else might be too. I didnt watch replay so I am sure only about that Mei/Pharah guy. Its from 1300 SR btw.

It is not unlucky, it is some kind of dumb bug.

Didn’t look like a smurf to me.

I dont know his true elo but he know what to do, shows pretty good map knowledge, using high ground. It is not bronze play. I would guess he was probably Platinum.

The reason you won 2 SR is because before the game starts it is already determined how much SR you will get from winning based on many factors, your internal MMR being the main one that you have control over, but the thing that screwed you over here is the team imbalance. Before the game starts it compares the average MMR (not necessarily SR) of you and your team against the average MMR of the enemy team. MMR is based on how well you perform. It’s basically the game betting for/against you to win the game. For example if for some reason the match maker had a stroke you and your bronze friends randomly queued against 6 OWL pro players, the game would put all it’s chips on “the OWL players will stomp.” If you LOSE that game you will lose like 2SR and they will gain like 2SR because the game knew that would happen. If you WIN though you would gain like 150 SR for the massive upset.

The same thing happened here, those 4 jokers have probably been hard throwing since like diamond, and because of that they have been going 0 elims and 40 deaths every game for the past many many games, so from the games perspective you might as well be an OWL pro comparatively to them because the game has learned that if they are on a team, they lose horribly every time so the game was betting on you winning.

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You left the previous match. Any time you gain less than 10 SR, you left the previous match.

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I already said I didnt leave previous match.

I don’t believe you. You’re misremembering.

But it is impossible, matchmaker will not create match if one side have less than 40% chance to win, blizzard devs said that. So even if I was on side with 60% chance, it doesnt explain so extremely low SR gain. And why I lost -21 in match with smurfs then? When 4 players were a lot better than players from my team.

And I perform well usualy, because I am often gaining more than losing. So I should not gain only +2.

Few games before the match with +2 I had this: +34,+21,+27,-17+26

I am not, because I am actualy writing down my results from games and I won 26 SR match before that game where I gained only +2. And as I said I dont leave games so there is nothing to remember if I did leave or not. Because I dont ever click on leave before I see cards.

You stay in 1v6s for 8 minutes if that’s how long it lasts?

This is last match before game where I gained +2: 5RT6M0

Do you see me leaving there?

I never had to wait so long, but yes I stay because I usualy lose less sr than -25.

K my “explenation” is your performance deserved 2SR.

Pretty bad explenation because as you can see above, I am gaining more than losing normaly so my performance is above average for my rank.

It has to be something related to that 4 stack deranking. Maybe some kind of protection against derankers which will influence both teams.

You either left the game before or it’s a glitch. Either way, post in bug report forum. Established accounts gain between 15 and 35 SR per win unless in a group.

Of course its impossible for you to join a match with OWL players, that was just an extreme example to explain what is happening. It is easier to explain things like that instead of being like “if you play against people SLIGHTLY better than you you will get SLIGHTLY more SR”. Im fully aware the game wont put you in a match with a 3000SR team imbalance lol. Also im sure that is what is happening. I had an acquaintance who was unemployed for a long while so what he did for money was throw on other peoples accounts, because smurfs would pay him to get their SR low, what he would do is literally play on 6 accounts at the same time and just run in and die. He told me a lot about what he learned from the MMR system by doing this, one of the side effects was people would be excited at first because they are like “yay free sr” but then he would run into the same 6 stack the very next game and they would be like “wtf we only got 2 SR for beating you last time.” So thats why im certain that hard throwing like that is what messes up the SR gains of the enemy team. He doesn’t do this anymore because the accounts he was throwing on started getting deservedly banned really often which pissed off his customers, so that’s good.

First of all -21 is a pretty normal amount of SR loss, the general consensus is +25/-25 is neutral MMR, so you actually lost less SR than the average you would expect to lose. Secondly the smurfs MMR isnt as high as their actual skill because they are, well, smurfs. It doesnt really take into account how well they did ON THE GAME they beat you, but their overall account MMR when calculating SR gains and losses. If the smurfs were absolutely crushing everyone every single game for the past 100 games leading up to this point, they would have high MMR yeah but it wouldnt matter because if they were doing that they wouldnt be in bronze still anyway. The fact that the smurfs are in bronze at all means that they were artificially lowering their MMR in some way in the games leading up to the one where they played against you, which means the game thinks they are actual bronze players so it thought putting them in a game with you is a close to fair game.

Exactly, your MMR is higher than your SR right now, which means you will be trending upwards, and the throwers you played against had MMR in the actual dirt. You had a free game handed to you on a silver platter, and the game rewarded you with the negligible amount of SR you deserve for winning that non-game.

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