How about a paintball Bastion? The grenade he shoors explodes into rainbow paint.
Or a Baker Brigitte who uses an oversized upsidedown cake for her mace and the handle is a giant fork stuck on it. The shield can be a giant pie that seperates from the various slices to form her usual shield.
I’d love fun (non anime) colabs. Not having a Barbie+Ken bundle for Mercy and lifeweaver was a huge fumble imo.
Also battle pass themes that don’t rely on “cool”, it would be nice to see a high fashion (give me roadhog as a fashion designer) skinline or a magical girl sailor moon one similar to league’s Star guardians (ram becoming a magical girl in nem form would be great). Even something like a musician battle pass, imagine how great it’d be if rein hit a crazy guitar chord as he earthshatters
I will always love the silly skins, they are so fun. Cardboard Reinhardt, Valentine Hanzo or the Biker Torb skin (it cracks me up and I dont know why) will always go hard
First, we have an anime collab already. Anime skins in gaming also just feel safe and mundane at this point as well as often relying on the “cool” factor, there are some that would be fun to see tho (a JoJo one would be very funny especially with a highlight intro).
I mean, sure but still. An anime collab doesn’t mean other ones won’t also happen. A Bleach or JJK collab will literally sell the best out of anything they’ve ever put in the game, GUARANTEED.
I love this one because the crab claw makes sense then his lava ultinate could be replaced with clam chowder. But we make so many sp00ge jokes as a community about that that the devs most likely strayed away from it.
Love this idea! Keep then fabulous, but stylized for cool for all genders. To balanced out maybe a GI Joe line as well via S76 and Soljorn? Problem here is the licensing for the right to mimick a highly profitable copyright idea line. It would bring problems for Blizz.
Okay this would be hilarilous. Schoolgirl Ram running around in small form, or just a sailor moon uniform and then BOOM! He just gets jacked out of nowhere and keeps the uniform on. Its a smart throw back on an anime trope.
I always wondered this. HOTS did a crossover Overwatch where the hero got added to the HOTs roster. Yet never the other way around where Rein could literally get a skin designed after E.T.C., or better known as his full name “ELITE TAUREN CHIEFTAIN!” (It’s mandatory to say his full name with a dramatically epic tone.) He would be perfect for it.
Why is this skin funny to you? Literally my very first Legendary skin via lootbox. Am I joke to you?!