Can’t keep up lol… oh well learnt the first!
Read a ton of posts, post a bunch, and like / get liked. It’s basically a time investment, not actually a reflection of the quality of your posts.
You have learned your first trick! Good job!
I don’t know how I got level 3, especially with my suspicious winky face but I know I DIDN’T spam posts and likes. I just used the forums as normal but noticed I receive heaps of likes from my posts.
I think the existing threads on lvl 3 are fairly accurate. I got mine today/yesterday pretty much right up on hitting the 20k posts read count. Tbh, I’m somewhat indifferent about pic posting but I’m happy to finally be able to create proper links! Stuffing ones in preformatted text always felt pretty lame.
I’m still fairly new to this forum but it says I’m trust level 3… I don’t even know what that grants me.
So which Overwatch Forum League team y’all gonna join?
I got offers from the London Lurkers and Toronto Trolls so far.
Someone made me level three… Damn im going to need a bigger bridge now.
Well, we all are new since the forum upgrade. But I guess it’s basically a check to try and make it harder to create a throw-away account just to troll the forums. Lvl 3 lets you post links and images, btw.
That would be hilarious! Forum guild support before in-game guilds… maybe they can implement them at the same time
There’s less than 1k of us?
That’s quite cool.
Well at least I’m in the 5.9%, not so bad.
Just need to skim through some more posts and you’ll get it I think.
Top 1% boooooiiiiiiiiiiii
I just updated this post for 2018/08/30. Second fun (scary??) fact: the number of Level 3s is dropping!
Wait wait wait, I’ve been trust level three this whole time??!
Quick, someone teach me how to do things!
Just put the link of an image, video or website and it’ll actually let you post it ,you can also make your post a wiki so that anyone can edit it ,you also have more likes to give than the rest of the levels
Time to celebrate, lol?
I’d definitely head over to Ivan’s cafe for emojis if you haven’t already! Also… grats!