Full Armor Changes spreadsheet (Enjoy)

130 damage reduced by 30% is 91, multiplied by 150% is 137. Correct.

130 damage reduced by 25% is 98, reduced by 5, multiplied by 150% is 140.

Remember armor is still reducing damage by 5 regardless of a headshot or not.

Currently - and again, not sure if its a bug - but Impact damage and splash damage are being reduced separately, so there’s two counts of armor reduction on explosive damage.

The Sojourn charged railgun headshot on the tank is still 190, and the tank headshot passive seems not working here. I just tested this in the practice range and the form seems correct.

I guess you’re suspecting the same entry as me?

I think it’s a bug.

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The headshot multiplier happens before the armor reduction.

130 * 1.5 = 195 * 0.7 = 136.5

Both get reduced. The combined damage gets reduced. That is how it worked in OW1 too.

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You are correct.