This is the sheet by Cactuspuppy. As everyone is getting used to how the new armor feels, this is a good way for you to check how the heroes you play will be affected. You can get compare with your own in-game experiences.
This sheet has all the values included headshots, abilities, scopes or not, etc. It even has Junkrat’s updated damage numbers. Enjoy!
Short version Reaper, Tracer, Sombra, D.Va, Mauga, Lifeweaver are way worse. Some heroes like Torb, Hog, Ram, Bastion, and Orisa have some trade-offs. Most other heroes are better, some way better.
I’m actually done trying to figure out the maths by reading in this game and just playing to know what my charachters do, as of now reaper vs winston doesnt seem to work and soldier still wrecks.
Wish we had ingame damage numbers, optional ofc for people that dont like them on screen.
They aren’t. They also found a couple of bugs. Apparently Illari’s solar rifle is ignoring the tank headshot passive currently. Enjoy it while it lasts!
I think that you left out a few. And it’s also not just about the 1v1. If you have 4 people shooting at you and they now all do more damage than before, you melt faster.
They should have just left armor the same as before but capped the armor+headshot damage reduction at 30% so the headshot changes didn’t really impact armor health.
I know the Overwatch team wants to keep things simple, but I would prefer if the headshot multiplier just stacked separately from nornal damage reduction. Even a flat reduction on the headshot multiplier would be fine.
I just want my flat 30% armor back. And I want the 25% headshot reduction. But there would have to be a stacking limit or you really would have immortal tanks.