Frustrating matchmaker system

I have played this game from the beginning to this day and hate to this how FRUSTRATING this game have change. Because of this STUPID MATCHMAKER SYSTEM, my hope playing a good enjoyable games are gone, ruining whole Overwatch game experience to me!! Really want to like this game, but THIS DAYS, it’s really, REALLY FRUSTRATING to get in good game. In competitive mode, even trying to get pass those rank matches, somehow game let in some LOW RANK/LEVEL players in the own team, ruining every single match I played!! I HATE to play every season over and over again those rank matches, when the game rank me to the same scores or even worst every single time! SO POINTLES system, just let me SKIP those rank match and let me play the game with my own rank/level players already!! (Hey, why you don’t just team up with 5 other same rank/level players?) (A. No friends to play this frustrating game.) (B. Waiting a perfect group take forever, when want to jump right in to the match when booting the game, motivation drop really quick for this days.) :rage: I miss the old days…


Let’s go moth metaaa

Define “low ranks”

Plus Level does not indicate skill.

The very least they could do is allow us to buy MMR reset. They are not going to do that. Why? Because they know its a weak matchmaker and it will derank OWL players

My only issue with the matchmaker is all my friends are bronze/silver and I’m a diamond. I played with them a few times in the last month and I felt horrible because they said I made their matches impossibly harder.