Frustrated Parent - Overwatch 2

I mean, if my kids (when I have them) were out and about, I’d want them to have a phone so I can contact them. What parent just lets their kid run around alone without worrying if they are ok? Or to check on them if they haven’t come back on time.

Tbh I’m waiting for someone to say “your just a smurf” because that seems to be one of the more common responses to the phone issue. Frankly it’s gross. I knew the OW community was bad but YEESH it’s now a boiling cesspool.


Hey yeah I was a kid who rand out and about without a phone. I walked from school across town. I had school events and trips.

You’re being absolutely disgusting judging a parent for not having phones for their kids by trying to make yourself look better with the “but I would never”.



Cellphones only became mainstream in the mid 2000’s, I spent my childhood without one. They literally did not exist. My parents seemed to manage just fine.


I don’t think a single person spent 40 on a smurf account.

You don’t need to, follow the due process of SMS verification or buy the 1$ SMS thingie as you say.

Price of OW in smurfing season is like <10. But now imagine you need to spend 39.99, and if you don’t keep up with the BP on each smurf you’re not getting the new hero. And you need to do 100 matches on each, etc. Admit it, they’re killing smurfs.

Aye this i knew would happen blizzard needs a change i grew up with this company back wen wow was released

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They should not be playing OW then. Its that simple.

there are some text based app’s/services you could run from your phone they are cheap per month and some are compatible with the SMS thing blizzard is requiring

Teens are minors, the game is rates T. Or are you thinking 6-7 year olds.

Geeze didn’t know these forums could get any lower.


Name them. I see a lot of “you can bypass easily”, but then it’s like: well actually no.

i will see if i can remember the services people have mentioned here on the forums

It’s anti-consumer and sucks for people with large families. I’m one of nine kids. My parents didnt give us all phones when we were younger lol.


Sure hope those countless smurfs don’t find out about this.

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A few things about this nonsensical stance:

  1. Maybe it’s entirely possible that they don’t need cellphones? Maybe they’re not old enough to be venturing far enough that warrants having a cellphone? Considering that they don’t have cellphones and play primarily on the Nintendo Switch (inb4 “Switch isn’t a child’s console”), they are likely too young.
  2. It’s also entirely possible that perhaps it’s not within OP’s budget for them to have cellphones.

Ya’ll want to blame everyone else except Blizzard for making a change that was entirely unnecessary.

I must be playing a different game than everyone else, because the Overwatch I play certainly doesn’t have anything remarkably offensive for children. There’s no gore, blood, excessive violence, or even depictions of death. I’ve seen worse things depicted in Pixar films.


Hey OP, try Talkatone it’s an app that works for the SMS verification. Here are the added stipulations and the user has mentioned it worked for him.


I feel for you. I think Blizzard should offer an alternative to allow multiple accounts to be set up on the same phone number with some other sort of form of verification. I get that they are trying to prevent smurfs, but I don’t think relying solely on phone numbers will do the trick.

Welcome to the 21st century. :man_shrugging:t6: I see even 5 or 6 yo wit phones now. :selfie:t2: I didn’t even get my first phone until I was in 8 grade :pager:

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If its so easy to get around the SMS protect why have it? If I want to smurf 1 dollar is a hell of a lot less then 10 for OW1 at its most on sale.

But they don’t have to spend 40, they only do in your imaginary world where you pay the cost of OW1 just to play a F2P grind simulator. Why are people so insistent that giving Blizzard more money will fix every issue?

haha no, They really aren’t, SMS protect is ridiculously easy to bypass. A smurf will win 50 matches pretty fast and get access to comp. That’s all they need. The rest comes pretty quickly after that.

People won’t spend 40 dollars to get past SMS protect. Just so they can grind 8 months for 1 bad looking legendary skin. They will just play a new game.

That’s not what T for teen stands for exactly, my guy. Overwatch is definitely made with the idea people under 13 will play it. That’s part of the reason it got released on Switch. And no, being teenager does not automatically mean you “need” a phone at 13. Respect parents choices.


Then do it. It’s so easy, so you can just do it.

40 would bring them 2 legendaries, current battle pass season and 2k OWcoins. It’s a proof of stake situation. If they don’t want to sign up for it that’s their choice and it’s perfectly fine.

I’m just offering an alternative for legit players who CAN’T get a number for sms protection.

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