Frustrated Parent - Overwatch 2

So blizzard implemented a fix to eliminate smurfs and in your mind they don’t even exist. Sorry, i don’t think you’re an expert on this subject.

According to who? My kids aren’t that age yet, but they will certainly not be allowed smart phones in their teens.

Well there you go, proving my point. As I said, feedback is not irrelevant. If they are seeing a large number of SMS verification failures due to how they implemented their number verification system then of course they would want to change that. I haven’t seen the change yet so I can’t specifically speak on it but I do hope it remains in some regard to prevent ban evasion and smurfing.

As I said in another post earlier, that is your right as a parent but keep in mind the social pressure your kid will go through not having one when all of their friends do. I get you don’t care about their friends or how they are parented but there are numerous cases of kids being bullied or flat out left out of social friend groups because of this exact thing.

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If that’s the only change it still isn’t super great for new players. Accepting cricket/metro or a seperate form of authentication but that might take longer to figure it out.

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Social pressure to carry around a computer in their pocket full of pornography , gore, self absorption and everything disgusting that our modern society promotes. I’ll roll the dice. No thanks.

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…just as most people have phones… :wink:

Sure, but don’t act like they won’t self discover that on their own without you. Then the issue becomes over-sheltering which studies have shown leads to increase drug/alcohol abuse when they become of age or sneak out.

Teenagers are 13-19. 5/7 of those ages are minors in the US.

let them play your account ig?

I never thought about that, but yeah that really does suck.

Only thing I can suggest is a google voice number if you’re in the states.

My Favorite I.T./Support Response:

YOU wOuLd nEeD To cOnTaCt yOuR PrOvIdEr tO SeE If tHeY SuPpOrT PhOnE AnD SmS AlErTs oR If mAyBe yOuR PhOnE NuMbEr hAs bEeN InCoRrEcTlY ClAsSiFiEd. AlTeRnAtIvElY, tRy uSiNg a dIfFeReNt pHoNe nUmBeR FoR CrEaTiNg yOuR AcCoUnT. bLiZzArD CuStOmEr sUpPoRt cAnNoT ByPaSs tHiS LiMiTaTiOn.”

Like if people are rich enough for that, and to make it worse its a whole phone networks that are blacklisted so it would be another service provider thats more expensive


I’m very aware that’s part of what makes the decision to give my kids a phone so difficult.

I would not care nearly as much if they had left OW1 up. They took a fully fleshed out game that I loved and played almost every day and just… deleted it. In its place is a game they spent no where near 3 years working on. That has a lot of balance issues, not to mention bugs, and is frankly just shockingly untested. How do you release Zarya into Total Mayhem, She is literally unkillable.

They are on their what 3rd passive for DPS in 4 months? They clearly aren’t sure how they want this game to play. This is peoples first experience with OW2, and its mediocre at best.

OW1 had some bugs but nothing as blatant as in OW2. Call OW1 stale all you want it was Polished, it was a very well thought out and designed game. OW2 ain’t that and its embarrassing. How do you go from a game as well regarded as OW1 to a buggy beta like OW2.

Don’t even get me started on the monetization. Its by far the worst battlepass I have ever seen.

All of that and to have deleted OW1 in the process is just a kick in the teeth.

Hey @Zen in case you haven’t read, apparently they’re making it so players who played the game in the past won’t require phones anymore.

So that’s good news for you and your family.

Why would you let your children play a game where it’s community is notoriously toxic?

You turn not join voice and turn off chat and still play QP without issue…


Only for (since 2021) OW1 owners

Recent studies have shown oversheltering from real world contact is harmful, but exposure to social media via phones is also harmful (see “The coddling of the American mind”, by Jonathan Haidt, et. al.). Serious discussions about this explore parental controls where smart phone access is concerned, at the very least.

I think your grasp of what studies have shown is pretty sus.

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You need to take what I said in context. I was replying to someone saying their kids would have no phone - which I agreed is their right as a parent. So I just let them know about the problems that could cause. You went the full opposite end of the spectrum.

Obviously, there is a common-sense middle ground. Kids should have phones in my opinion but parents need to be responsible, to the best of their ability, to mitigate such risks as you have pointed out. Social media is a big problem, I agree 100%. Having discussions with your children about such things should come first and foremost. Parental controls also exist to help limit access outside of a reasonable timeframe.

Your idea of over-sheltering is wrong, simple as that, especially where phones are concerned.

As I said, your grasp of what studies have shown is sus.

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