Frustrated Parent - Overwatch 2

does it hurt waking up in the morning?

The amount of people that complain about smurfing/intentional rank dropping in quick play would argue with that, though. Also quick play should still have a ranking system that works, not just comp.

The game does cost $0 :wink:

Blizzard (correctly) assume most people have a phone in 2022 and have developed their protection systems around that fact.

If a player does not have a phone, they can make the very simple soluion to get a cheap phone/sim (or even just a sim and use their parents phone to verify acc) and get on with the game… :wink:

If OW is providing a player with hundreds of hours of entertainment a cheap sim plan is totally worth it… :wink:

That’s just your opinion. In my opinion, your opinion is stupid. Just because on top of all my bills at the end of the month I can still afford a phone to play OW2, doesn’t mean my friends who don’t have the means to buy an extra phone should get one.

Also an opinion. Not everybody has spare cash to throw at a phone plan every month. Not simple at all to some people. Again, my opinion is that your opinion is stupid.

Thank you for reminding me that you’re a troll.

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Talkatone does work if you are willing to spend $1-4 for 1 month of subscription to gain access to the ‘premium’ message. However, you will likely lose access to that number and if you needed to take it off the account, you probably would not be able to.

Basically do this at your own risk type of thing, I know it is not the best solution.

You don’t really want children to play F2P games. These games are manipulative by nature and it will eventually cost you $$ when your kid decides they want to buy some coins. I know everyone thinks their kids are super smart and mature. However, just do your research. F2P model shares a ton of mechanics and systems with casino/gambling games. You don’t want to expose an undeveloped mind to that kind of garbage.

Same boat here, have 4 kids (15-6) and we like to get in and play against AI together.

15 year old used our house mobile phone, and 11, 9, 6 year old are out of luck. What’s crazy is my 11 year old feels pretty cheated. He used his own money to buy Overwatch 1 which he now can’t play…

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It wasn’t a comparison. It was a suggested option.

Unless it’s the “phone” part of a phone you have a problem with. i.e. you don’t want your kids even making or receiving phone calls.

You can actually do the same with a smart phone too, actually. i.e. pocket PC.

Or… you can just get a flip-phone. You’re right, I’m not a parent. But I can’t imagine your problem with teens having phones has anything to do with the phone functionality itself. Social media and the like isn’t really a phone problem. That’s an internet problem.

Because I wasn’t making a comparison with flip-phones. Flip-phone is a suggested solution to the OP’s problem.

Except you can’t use prepaid phone plans xD.

Gen Z’s are funny. The vast
majority didn’t have a phone before smartphones existed until they finished school and everyone was cautious on using their minutes and messages before “unlimited” became a thing.

Can you imagine what would happen if Blizzard tried to implement that back then?

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Its all relational to the times though. The internet started growing in the 90s/2000s, would you tell your kids to not use the internet as well? With how many things depend on internet nowadays its just not the same. Let alone the social pressures kids go through if they don’t have the “right” phone, let alone, a phone at all.

I’m not saying they can’t survive without it, but its pretty much the socially accepted norm for kids/teens to have phones now. I get that you may not agree with that, which is totally fine, but you just need to look at it as a generational shift.

…please refrain from personal attacks thanks, I’m treating you with respect, I’d appreciate the same… :slight_smile:

…if they can find something that provides hundreds of hours of entertainment they enjoy for less than $10 a month, power to them… :wink:

There’s an article floating around (IGN?) that mentioned Blizzard is looking at allowing more carriers for 2FA… :slight_smile:

I totally agree. My house only has 1 phone which is already linked to my account. Me and my son want to play but he can’t log in due to the SMS. The funny thing is that I already have 2-factor authentication through the app on my phone using the same number for both accounts and it works flawlessly. Whenever my son logs into his account I get an SMS to approve or deny, so I don’t see the need for the extra SMS layer.


I looked for it. I even checked twitter… nada. That article is a myth.

It’s called “Overwatch 2 Launch Plagued by Lengthy Queues, Prepaid Phone Plan Problems”, if you want to look for it. It doesn’t say what they’re planning, though, that’s just an assumption. The wording is, “When IGN reached for comment, Blizzard responded, saying, “We plan to address this sometime soon, potentially this afternoon.” We will update this story when Blizzard addresses the lack of access for users with prepaid phone plans.”

Here’s the thing my guy, I have been playing OW on this account for almost 5 years. I have mostly stayed away from the Blizzard forums and literarily yesterday decided top actively engage in the discussion. I signed in and responded. Turns out it doesn’t create a forum account for you until you sign in. So technically my account was only “created” yesterday. Just because people have a low post count or were recently “created” means nothing. It’s just people that probably had no interest in the Blizzard forums until OW2 came out.


But they Incorrectly assume everyone is on a contract and not pay as you go.

Which is utterly ludicrous. And I’m someone who is getting into the game with my current phone perfectly fine.


Same boat… I get that we all do want a secure, safe platform from people who have no better time on their hands than to do disservice to others… but a solution that alienates/inconveniences the strong player bas has become its own issue at this point.

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Apologies, I saw it mentioned in another thread. Apparently one of the game websites contacted Blizz about the phone stuff.
That user may have been lying but it seems plausible. shrugs Believe what you will :slight_smile:

…and, as I’ve said, people can either buy a cheap $10 post-paid sim, swap it in to their phone and get straight back in to the action (which is what I did) or wait and see what happens.

I wouldn’t let $10 a month stop me from doing something I enjoy, that’s cheap entertainment… :wink:

why doesn’t blizzard allow one to buy $60 version of OW2 that doesn’t have phone requirement and includes some tokens?