From Zero Hour to Hero: Inside Echo’s Audio

Nice post - thank you for the info!

I think they see this ult as a tool to help stop metas tbh.

Yall are salty that a bot posted about Echo lmaooo

Yeah, no.

LoL has commented about this “tool” before with one of their heroes.

But not gonna repost that. (for like the 46th time.)

Just know, other game devs know it not a “tool” but a double edge blade.

But seems fun to like Geoff and… well really just Jeff (Geoff said Jeff pushed for this hero to exist like this.)

But seriously the timing here shows how “Tone Deaf” Blizz actually is.


Read again what I said: I think they see this ult as a tool to help stop metas tbh.

I know.

I am saying:

They failed of their perception check.

Aka Kept rolling Natural 1s…


Echo’s sound design is really neat, and I think her kind of sterile, clinical voice lines fit her character perfectly, being a robot that has to adapt and build her personality from others.

However, I think they should have had Echo say her ultimate voice lines alone, and put the same kind of oomph into them that their original users do. It would be as if Echo is completely inhabited by the imitated personality while ulting. She would truly feel, for just a moment, Pharah’s pride, Reaper’s wrath, or Roadhog’s gleeful savage abandon. It would be really satisfying.

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I do like the cheerfulness of her using other ult though.

Her saying reaper ult line was absolutely adorable.

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I’ll have to listen to it again. It just sounded forced to me.

I don’t know, way it sounds to me, she seems so excited to simply say it.

I think the real question is: How many people working on Overwatch are named Geoff/Jeff? This is starting to get ridiculous.

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Some of these comments are so obnoxious. :nauseated_face:

Complain :clap:t4: About :clap:t4: Balance :clap:t4: In :clap:t4: Another :clap:t4: Thread.


This is kinda funny because it’s been very difficult to actually hear her as an enemy.

I love this, people gotta stop being so toxic every now in a while. If you don’t care, don’t click! Nobody wants to know that

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Pretty sure this is a bot account. Go contact the devs.


Frankly, you don’t deserve those changes.


Very cool. Please make a game development documentary on the level of “Double Fine Adventure”. I’ll gladly pay for it.


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The article was written about Geoff Garnett (well, he was interviewed). And this is literally a bot account. It would’ve been posted by a moderator or community manager anyway.

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