FrogBoy Signing Off

I feel like I am reaching the end of the road here. The more this game drifts into the e-sports scene the more I drift away. I was never interested in e-sports or competitive type modes and I don’t think I ever will be. I believe the e-sports is getting in the way of the actual game.

Heroes that get released and are already released have a lot of problems. Every time a new hero for released they were terribly weak and some still are. There are many heroes that would be more fun to play if they didn’t have bugs in the most important parts of their kit. The pace of changes is getting to me because while I want to believe it will get better I am starting to think it wont.

There is not much left keeping me here and as much as I want to stay here with preaching Can’t Stop Wont Stop I just don’t think I can anymore.


No worries buddy, leaving is your choice. Live with Glory.


Eh, I am sort of worried about the volume of players leaving and I would hope that the developers were as well.


Switch focus and goals.

I found peace the moment I stopped caring. As a casual player, I play two days per week and that’s it. Not because of balance, e-sports or SR,

because Moira exists in the game. I am playing because I enjoy the gameplay of the character.

You cannot get frustrated when you simply do not care about things that make the game frustrating.


That’s where I also have a problem. With my 2nd most played being Sombra I really like her the only problem is it seems every hero I like and want to be good at just isn’t that great. Yeah I want to have fun with who I play but I also want to feel like I am doing something at the same time.

It’s hard for me to just completely stop caring to not get frustrated when the heroes I want to play are sometimes the cause of it.

so if you are not interrested in esports it bothers you that Overwatch can be esport game too?
i like to goof arround in quickplay and other non-competetive modes… and this does not collide with esport approach


Players leave, new players come. Endless cycle.


Moira is terribly situational as well and not an optimal pick all the time.

The majority of the player base does not like playing tanks also, while Moira shines best in such compositions and specific maps. People love dps, especially those of high mobility and snipers. Can I heal them consistently as Moira ? Not a chance. Do I care ? Not at the least. Am I the reason of defeat for not picking Mercy to pocket those two or three who insta-locked dps of their preference ? Perhaps yes. Do I still care ? Most definitely not.

Do your thing.


So long and good luck to you. If you are leaving. Also, it’s been awhile since I saw your name here as well on the forums.


Ugh, we already know where we stand. You know that is not going to convince me. The amount of players leaving is far disproportionate to the new players and that much is clear by all of the extra free weekends. That being said, I know I will not convince you. And that is fine. But I am really not sure why you even bother. Unless I see tangible differences, I am not going to magically believe the game is on an upward trend.

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In your mind sure. However when I see skins being released that you have to pay for or watch OWL for I get upset because it’s something I don’t want to have to do. Yes it’s a dumb reason to start with but the more OWL related things get added the less there is for casuals. Remember when events use to come with unique game modes? It seems like that has all but stopped too. This piss poor event added? Convenient that the OWL had an emote and skins around the same time this event became a disaster.


This game is purely a team-based competitive one. That’s why it lends itself so well to esports. I understand not being into esports, but I feel like a lot of people expect the game to be something other than what it is. It’s not an easy game to play casually and competitive is the mode that the game is balanced around. It’s probably not for you in that case.


This seems pretty accurate. I had a great time before Competitive was added however it’s still a concern of mine. I just want more stuff that doesn’t have a number tied to it.

yes, i agree

not true

they could have worked on something that didnt go as they liked and was of poor quality
you would talk ‘oh what lame event mode, they dont care about casuals

dude, get your stuff straight and ask yourself what do you want and is this even possible
because reason: ‘i quit overwatch because OWL’ is nonsense

because of OWL they will have more money to make this game better
and team of people that do OWL stuff is different than game development team… AND skins for OWL might be done by ANOTHER COMPANY that will be hired by Blizz to make skins

so dude, i think that you got stuff to think over one more time

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It’s a hard thing to balance. Changes made at the highest skill levels for competitive reasons can trickle down and affect average players in a way that ruins things for them so there isn’t really a way to satisfy everyone. I hope it stays competitive because that’s why I like it, but I can see how it would run people off that just like the more light-hearted aspects of it. I hope you find fun somewhere, though.

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Simply because you don’t agree with it. I wasn’t aware my opinion had to be the same as yours.

Great, however it will just end up adding in more e-sports related things.

No, I really don’t have anything to think over. My reasons for wanting to leave are my reasons. I really don’t think I need your approval for that. Should I be asking you if it’s okay to play a different game too? Or would that be nonsense too because you don’t agree?


so if you dont have anything to think over and you believe that your reasons are valid, then why you have to post it here?
isnt because you wanted opinion on your reasons? or just you came here for attention now?

come on


Because I can.

I wasn’t trying to convince you.

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and i can tell you that your reasons are very shallow

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