Prepare your butts my friends
I like 2CP maps. They’re probably my favorite.
Most people:
Me, jask, WashableBomb, oceanman and Rocktopus:
Wait are we talking about Busan or the map AFTER Busan?
I don’t have a problem with them, I just know a lot of people do. I love all maps equally
Map after Busan. Process of elimination means next map is 2CP since Busan is KOTH
Darn, we have to play the game to get our virtual rank and points!
I don’t really understand what you’re trying to get at here
I’ve played like two matches on the PTR and all I gotta say is well ouch. The points are very open, the area around them has tons of cover and health packs. It seems like all the advantage goes to the defenders.
Who ever is holding the point can take cover, flank around etc. The poor Sob’s who have to capture the point have to stand out in a really big and open area. Honestly it seems like unless you get a team kill I don’t think there is going to be much flipping of points.
I lile 2 CP, cept for Lunar.
cant wait
Theres something wrong with you.
And you
And you
I, too, love 2CP maps!
Your opinion is valid and so are my wonderful 2CP maps
I’ll see you on Oasis, fool (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
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Same here! I love 2cp
You know what? I’m just gonna add the name of everyone who replies to it
I love Busan but we better get a Talon themed map soon. Rialto isn’t enough of a Talon map.