Friend got Banned Playing Quickplay

Okay, so I dispise leavers, but this is just ridiculous. Me and my buddy were plying quickplay, and at one point, just as we were loading into the match, I ended up lagging out of the game. So, my buddy left his first game of the night before to join my lobby so we can que up again. He gets hit with a 30 minute ban. My buddy rarely even plays overwatch at all, and this was his very first time leaving a game the entire night. Wtf blizzard


Yea that sounds frustrating tbh


Blizzard doesn’t people playing with their friends! Confirmed!

Was that the first game he left in his previous 20?


I mean, he rarely plays any overwatch at all. At this point we had already played like 8 straight games. The last time he played overwatch was probably over a month ago

You don’t get banned for leaving one game.


So it is quite likely he left three of the 12 other games he had played.


I have. I got dc’d for the first one and I joined a second with the teams being very imbalanced (mine was stuck in spawn), so I left. Got hit with a timeout…fun stuff.

I don’t know what to tell you. Anytime my friend plays ow, he only plays with me, and I never leave games at all unless I DC due to my crap internet

These are blizzards rules in leaving:

In order to get the first suspension you need to leave 20% of your last 20 matches. Imo that’s very fair. If you have connection issues that cause you to disconnect in 20% of your games then it’s best for you to try and sort the issue out BEFORE playing. Because no one wants teammates that leave them out to dry in a 4v5.


As others have mentioned, it has to be their 4th quit within 20 games. Also there is no 30m penalty, it’s only 20 or 4 hours.


So you’re saying you left 2 games. And then in the previous 18, you must have left 2 of those as well.


the game is going to hell at a rapid rate

Yes. It’s some crazy idea to punish leavers. Truly the only game to do so.

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Nope. It’s not. I remember before this penalty system came out, I was constantly having QP matches where there were 5-10 leavers every match. There was one match where I actually counted how many leavers that match had and it was 14. Something like 9 from my team and 5 from the other. That just makes the game unplayable. Something HAD to be done about it. Thank god they did.


Leaver penalties are based on the number of leaves over the last 20 games, not in a specific time frame. If he got penalized, it means that he left 4 of his last 20 games. So if the last time he played was like 3 months ago and he left 3 games that night, then leaving a single match today would count as his fourth.

No. What I said is exactly what I mean.

Dc is the same as leaving. So that’s 2 games you left. Plus whatever else happened in the previous 18. It takes 4 quits out of 20 to get a penalty. Not 1, not 2.

That isn’t what happened with me. I dc’d the first one and left the next one. I can’t remember the penalty, I think it was 10min. So, you can tell me what YOU think happened all you want, you’d be wrong. I already explained what happened to me.

Yes, you explained those 2 games. You didn’t explain the previous 18, which you just have left or dc or whatever at least 2 of them.

That is how the system works. It isn’t only different for you.