Freedom of choice

So I login tonight to check out the new character only to find that even in a VS AI match- I have to pick as fast as I can or I get stuck with picking from a class I don’t want to play because now, there is only 2 of each class allowed in a group?? WTF- after all these years now you take away our freedom to choose who we want to play? I can understand doing this in competitive mode cause of the meta- but I’m playing vs bots…and if everyone else loads in before I do- I can’t pick the class I want cause there are already 2…I can understand you taking away our choices if the game is free and this is for the betterment of the game- but you just messed this up big time…uninstalling…

This sounds like the same bug that affected Quickplay. I would send a bug report.


its not a bug, its a new feature

No. Role Q is not for that game mode. And you select which role you want from the beginning. You don’t have to act fast.

Earlier this week there was a bug that affected Quickplay that they removed, that worked exactly like how you are describing. There is no way that is intentional.

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Have you updated your game? Because that was fixed.

It was fixed for QP.

then why hasn’t it been fixed? I am not the only one experiencing is so this can’t be the first time someone has said something

I am on this forum way more than I should be, and this is genuinely the first I have heard of the bug being in “vs AI.” You may well be the first to report it.

Devs specifically said that the role queue bug vs AI will be fixed on the next patch. It isn’t server side like the QP bug

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Ah good to know they know it exists.


way to make your game unplayable Blizzard, and thanks for the no eta on the fix

Figures the one time I don’t read a thread all the way through they respond to it a third time. Thanks for the link.

Why not make a custom game vs AI? It’s an option. The game isn’t unplayable because of this

because I like getting XP when I play so I can get loot boxes and stuff and I shouldn’t have to go without cause of a bug they won’t fix till they decide its time

You know bug fixing isn’t as simple as, oh here’s a bug, we’ll wait until we want to fix it and immediately doing it. They probably haven’t fully figured out the reason behind it, hence no ETA


yet they fixed it in Quick play already…

Not really, it’s not the proper role queue quick play they said they were doing. Probably just there so people can play until they fix it.

Btw dudes it’s not role q, cuz u didn’t q w/ role. It’s role limit/role lock which is infinite times worse than role q.

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read the link that was provided Dink- they DID fix it in quick play and know about it being in AI but aren’t going to patch the fix till the next patch that they have no eta for