FPS loss when holding Tab to view stats

Same here. Please, fix this blizzard…

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My game even Freezes when I died, and I have the same issue with the TAB functionality, and when I press “P” for the social menu.

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The issue is still persisting on all sub-menus in-game, which renders it unusable without ditching a huge chunk of FPS. We need a fix for it ASAP.


Here drops under 60 fps (30-40) even on low quality, submenus also have this problem; In the new ptr patch (hammond hero) fps drops a lot even not pressing tab, it’s a general gameplay low fps performance, this needs a fix soon.

Bump for blizzard to see it.


I’m having the same issue too

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Can confirm this happens. FPS will drop ~30 momentarily.

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thank god someone is trying to get their attention since i have this problem for more than 4 months, and now its even worse where i can drop from 200+fps to 50 mid game


We need more attention to this please, since it started i cant play, and i dont want to start new season with this

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same here 140 to 30 …

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Hey Blizz, say something!


Issue still happening since, can someone get a clip so that we can provide proof, maybe that’ll get some attention.

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I will try to give more videos with these drops until they say something or fix this, and because of my habit of pressing Tab every few secs my gameplay is miserable


Issue still happening as of July 2nd.

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Yeah my fps gets cut by 2/3 if I hold Tab. -66.6%

Fix Please.

Same, I’m really curious what the cause is for this.

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Same, I’m only thinking that the amount of entities added with endorsements might be causing it, those little round boxes have a lot of things in them, multiply it by 12, seems like it causes issues, I’m curious actually, someone should try doing an AI game to see if the drop is lesser big because of the fact there would only be 6 endorsement boxes on the sub-menus rather than 12.


Not sure but I think it shouldn’t dip at all. At least it didn’t before the update as I remember


I did a quick trip to the PTR, tried to see if the FPS problem was also still there, and it is. I don’t think it’s on the same level doe between live and PTR, but the issue is still persisting in both servers, I’m also seeing a bunch of my favorite streamers getting major FPS drops to things that shouldn’t have caused any sort of frame lag.

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i’m pretty much sick of this. why hasn’t it been fixed yet? and more importantly why is no one talking about this on youtube? kafeeeee said on stream multiple times that the game doesn’t feel as smooth anymore and that he’s experiencing sudden fps drops. blizzard it’s been over a week…fix this already


Issue is still around, this is kinda sickening, I can’t get proper info with tabs without making my game unplayable.

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