Eh. Sure, I guess. I think it depends on the situation really. The past several metas have made Moira’s job way easier because teams are huddling closer together. When teams spread out, she gets a lot less forgiving.
Unfortunately we haven’t had that since dive, really.
Still that’s undeniably a type of person who thinks that. And Moira (the player) just enjoys being sassy towards them and why shouldn’t she?
Moira countered Genji, and Genji was the most swappable in the dive comp, so it didn’t matter if the ninja was out of commission. A counter to Genji won’t kill DIVE, only dumpstering/countering Winston and Dva would.
They have hella spread, so much so that landing all 3 to the head or body is near impossible.
Overwatch is 50% mechanicals and 50% gamesense. Docs have 30%-35% mechanicals he is not reaching his 50% yet OW physics are not the same as a batteroyal.
The reasons for people stay on gold after 4 years is because their mechanicals stay on 15%-20% while their gamesense on 35%-40%.
There’s a lot of heroes in the game at this point. It can be pretty overwhelming for new players to understand all of the interactions, and aim alone isn’t going to make you great.
And while I’m sure his aim will improve once he gets used to the movement, it didn’t really seem worthy of calling him an FPS god.
Honestly I would expect someone like him to at least get low gold, new player or not. A lot of new players can at least manage that. But then you see some of the decisions he’s making it and you understand why he’s silver.