FPS drops when multiple abilities used

If it wasn’t performing as expected is really the only way you can tell. But I can’t stress enough how important it is to get out of the 90C range. If it gets hotter, the computer will start shutting itself down to prevent further damage to the components.

Is there anything else you would suggest to try and help cool it off?

If you’re not going to replace the cooling pad, you may want to play on Balanced or Quality power modes, which will limit the use of your CPU and GPU, making them cooler. It will directly impact performance, in game and otherwise.

Ok, I believe I have fixed the problem. Before, I didn’t have a fps limit, which most definitely caused my computer to overheat. I put a limit of 60 fps on it, and I definitely have noticed an improvement.

I understand. Most players don’t want to be capped at 60, so that’s why I rarely recommend it to avoid being told that :slight_smile:. But I am glad it’s the solution for you.

thanks again for the help

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