Forums complaining about the free bastion skin is pathetic

While it may be pathetic for people to complain about a cosmetic, it certainly pretty pathetic to care so much you need to white knight for an epic skin.

It’s just a skin, dude.

Some people don’t like it. Some people love it, that’s the beauty of opinions.

Are you Bastion’s mother?

Relax, put on a candy cane charm, and go play some ow 2.

Don’t worry what others have to say (including me)

Once you stop caring about other people’s opinions you can enjoy the free but not so free skin that others aren’t enjoying.

Microtransactions are literally designed to leave you with small leftover amounts of currency to incentivize you to buy more


My only thought is that they should have a different skin next week for 99 coins. That way it evens out and those with OCD can breathe a bit easier.

I think some folks are making a mountain out of a molehill, but it is pretty goofy that Blizzard would charge 1 coin for it. Like…. It’s meant to be a giveaway, so why not make it free? I don’t really get it.

I don’t think it’s some conspiracy by Blizzard to leave people 1 Coin short of another transaction. I think Blizzard just thought it would be cute and put no further thought into it

So… play the game and win matches? What’s the problem here?

Normally I’d agree with you, but Blizzard’s shop policies have largely been aimed at incentivizing you to buy coins at every turn. You don’t get enough coins per season to afford next season’s pass by design, and if you spend 1 coin on Bastion you’ll always have an uneven number of them for the rest of eternity because coins are awarded in multiples of 5.

Well… okay, I’ll reframe.

Do I think this coin skin was an intentional choice to shorthand people? No. But would it surprise me if it was? Also no.

Blizzard has been pretty shameless in how… anti-consumer they’ve been with this game, so I guess my perspective is that if that was their intent here, they would’ve been far more egregious with it and charged like…. 101 coins or something. But I’ll concede, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Nothing surprises me with them anymore

agreed, this gift has really exposed the people who will simply never be happy

genius really

Not surprising, considering what community this is.

The 1 coin thing wouldn’t be an issue if everything isn’t priced/rewarded in multiples of 10. The skin is effectively 10 coins because of this.
Also, unless you buy coins the only place to get them is weeklies so it really costs 10 coins and however long it takes for you to complete 4 weeklies.

Additionally it’s not like they did this out of the goodness of their black little heart. We’ve been mocking the skin all week so nobody was gonna spend over 1000 bloody coins on the thing.

“Look we spat on your faces again! Why aren’t you happy that we did that?”