Forum Mods are out in force

Not really, you can mention the mods, if you say something nice they’ll still remove it.

Why? Elaborate. Please.

It is always that simple.

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Basically because i commented on what the mods are doing and they don’t like that.

When I mention them my stuff doesn’t get removed…weird.

I just mentioned the mods. Twice.

Again, people think that until they’re on the butt end of “forum justice.”

It’s against CoC to talk about past suspensions, and the mods are apparently patrolling this thread, so … I can’t really talk about it. But trust me, there are unjust suspensions that get thrown around. :stuck_out_tongue:

You didn’t mention their actions, that’s why.

Correct. I am not being censured because I am not violating their rules.

But it isn’t. Toeing the line of the CoC can potentially get you silenced (This is not violating the CoC, it’s talking about actions vs consequences). Getting flagged enough times will get you silenced, even if what you said wasn’t wrong. Asking a legitimate question can get your thread locked without answered. And (I can’t say this without getting silenced)


I said you can barely even breathe here now and it got removed. Where in that sentence did I mention them? That could mean anything.

A thread about the Denmark community lead thing just got closed. Sad, it didn’t look like it was breaking any particular rules.

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Exactly the point.

twenteh charmanders, prof oak.

I got banned once for saying Stylosa is a terrible YouTuber who spread false information. Which he did back then. He said Symmetra get more SR than any other hero (+other things).

This was seen as harassment.

But nevertheless am I happy that this forum has forum moderators. I can’t imagine how terrible this forum would have been if toxic threads and threads unrelated to Overwatch was allowed here.

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That I can understand though, because you’re calling out a particular person.

If you’re being flagged with such frequency perhaps it is time to examine what you are posting.

All I said was that the information he posted was not correct and that this was not the first time. Players should take his opinion with a grain of salt.

But I accepted the temporarily forum suspension and changed the post as soon if I had acces again.

Good. This thread is closed.
It was nothing but a toxic thread to begin with.

Well my brother got himself suspended for saying Junkrat takes skill and doesn’t need nerfs

I’m not. But if someone disagrees with what I’m saying, there’s nothing stopping them from flagging my post into oblivion. You know how I know this? It happened to me when the forums were new. It happens to people who post controversial opinions about heroes all the time.

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You are joking, right?

People literally flag you just because you disagree with them.