Forum Mods are out in force

Bloggerman that is a really nice avatar man. Reminds me of Sunless Sea. I guess it’s tied to Sherlock McCree eh?


to be fair, some people definitely breathe way too loudly


They are just forum moderators.
Not devs or employees that work on the actual game.

I doubt they will talk much with the higher ups.

Also, it seems that only a few people manage the Know Issues List.
A lot of bugs are indeed not added in that list like Reinhardt’s broken ultimate.

But they do move the bugs posted in the General Discussion subforum to the Bug Report subforum.
It had happened a couple time with me already.

Is that not an answer?
Those threads became toxic places and some of the closed threads weren’t even about Overwatch. As forum moderators is it their job to close them and make sure this forum won’t become a mess.

Sometimes I do feel sorry for the forum moderators.

I know we players can be toxic and salty, and I know we aren’t always the nicest persons on this forum, but I’m glad there is some people out there who are trying to prevent this forum from turning into a mess.

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Since when is there a limited amount of likes you could give?

It is.
I freaking love the design of that avatar.
Unfortunately is there a bug in the game that makes the avatar look like a stretched out JPG picture.

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Well yeah you’re not exactly wrong but it’s gotten to the point that you can barely even have a debate because someones feelings might get hurt and then you get silenced just because you said something barely offensive.

You’re reported just for disagreeing with someone now and if the mods detect even the slightest touch of aggression you get silenced.

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Think that’s always been in place on the new forums. Cap is 50, I believe.

Alright, that was my last like for the day I guess ty. Also that isn’t a sarcastic thanks

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That’s always been a thing on Blizzard forums. You’re not allowed to ‘self censor’ as they view it the same way as just swearing.

That said, there’s double standards. Sometimes people swear and don’t get punished, the mods just edit it.

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I think its about to be closed a reply just got removed

Hi Mr mod, I hope you’re having fun :rofl:

People say that until they get banned for something really stupid. Then it’s like:


OH yeah there’s a Mod watching this now. Hello out there!

Or that user got removed. Sometimes I feel like they have favorites.

Good thing everyone knows me and I’m a favorite. Keep up the good work guys.

I know I just got my last 6 or so posts deleted so read this one whilst it still exists :rofl:

I was searching for an old forum post and this kept blowing up. Pity I didn’t get to read them.

I’m still here! :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly someone is amused, otherwise they’d just lock the thread.

Yes I know this post will be removed


It’s really, really easy to avoid the ire of the moderators here. Just don’t be a jerk or post things that make you come off like a jerk.

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But it’s never that simple.

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