Forum HTML tutorial

Didn’t they try to make a StarCraft before it became Overwatch?

Yes and no. The original Project Titan was to be a MMO with gameplay and role playing mechanics that I think you could compare to that of Destiny. When Titan was scraped Team 4 was given six weeks to try and come up with a new project. One of the concepts they came up with was a StarCraft first-person action spinoff game.

« Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita. »

dante must die… he needs to die before he wrote the most useless thing on earth

wait no text-decoration:blink? :rofl:

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Unfortunately it doesn’t work, i tried with

<h3 style="text-decoration:underline dotted blue">Test</h3>

and it doesn’t work:


webdeveloper trolling joke…
text-decoration:blink; was removed ages ago in most browsers because it was over used and ugly as sin… you can technically still do that styling but you’ll have to use css animations instead which you may want to do for say a retro 90ties page with plenty of spammed animated gifs page visitor counters and midi background music…

They did that for the official captain marvel webpage X3
(technically they cheated and used a mp3 instead of a midi file which annoyed me… i dug through the source to find it and download it… i was very disappointed…)

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Ohh, I didn’t really know the “history” behind it so thanks for telling me :smile:
I genuinely thought you were trying to find a way to use it here lol
I’m a noob

No just trolling and referring to the dark age of the browser wars when everyone was introducing stupid features unique to their browser all willy nilly causing all sort of chaos incompatibility all in a bid to out compete others…

Not everyone has lived through those dark times and the slew of bad ideas that arose out of those chaotic times :stuck_out_tongue:
We now live in more civilized an enlightened times with fairly rapidly evolving webstandard and javascript specifications where content and representation is kept separate and semantics and microformats reign supreme not to mention the progress in accessibility (as in WAI an WAI Aria)

It is a truly glorious time for web development and very far beyond the dark times of table based layout and hideous activex controls and applets and flash… shudders

the history of the internet is a dark and twisted one to be sure…

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Wowza, you got a lot of mod activity on this one.


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yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet

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Thanks everyone for helping me reach the 300 likes milestone!


Can’t believe I haven’t liked this yet…



Wait! It’s ok to necro this thread! There are still people who don’t know these things!


If anything this should still be pinned


Don’t worry about necroing this thread, it can still be useful to someone!
@Lune it used to be :stuck_out_tongue: