@Forum community:

The difference is the definition of criticism has been lost online. Critcism is review for the purpose of improvement. It’s typically given by one with experience on the topic like an artist to another artist. It focuses on what’s done well and where improvements can be made. It is not venom-spitting vitriol nor ego-boosting praise. It is tempered with qualities of both but tends to be neutral or at least presents itself as such.

Criticism does not equal feedback. “It sucks” is not criticism. People have to stop acting like it is.


I’m grateful that the apartment I spend half of my monthly earnings on is in a safe and quiet area.

I’m grateful that the PC I paid for and maintain still runs and does the tasks given.

I’m grateful that the food I purchase is of good quality, and does not make me sick or unhappy to eat it.

But maybe it’s just perspective… I know what it is like to have nothing, so I appreciate and am grateful for the things I do have.


Gamer’s these day have been spoiled and thats where the '‘ungrateful’ crowd come from.
Don’t get me wrong, I think content being good/fun is important but everyone has a different opinion on this which leaves to much gray area.
For 40/60 dollars this game has a TON of content and they keep adding more. Name any game that you pay 40/60 bucks for that keeps giving you free content, let alone content for over a year.
Most games now a days last 1 year for content and its all PAID content. Then guess what? You need to buy the sequel and even MORE dlc content, or be stuck with a tiny player base with little to no content.

I think OW is just fine , I am happy with the money I have spent on it and even if they deleted half the heroes in the game I still would consider my money WELL SPENT.


people paid for the game is the biggest argumentation root in this community.

The problem starts when people act like genuine forms of criticism is “whining”.


It’s way too frequent on these forums. That’s what’s worrying me

Stop personifying a multi-billion dollar corporation.

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I’m not trying to. My thread of criticism (What is going on with the game?) was met with people screaming “ur just ungr8ful” so I wanted to understand their sentiments.

We paid for it once and are still getting new maps/characters/modes/content/media years later. Personally? I draw the line at people being ungrateful when they’re regularly getting new things essentially for free but instead of being thankful whine and moan spitting back in the face of the creators like brats who take everything for granted and forget how to be thankful for the good that they’ve got.

It strikes me as unbelievably spoiled. Like with this D.Va short which Blizzard’s artisans clearly poured their heart and soul into producing, they put the dish out in front of the community and you already see people grabbing the plate and petulantly flinging it at the wall throwing a fit calling it garbage. That’s ungrateful.

I appreciate Blizzard efforts and hard work. They could have easily gave us a game package and end at that. Instead they constantly update, give free animated shorts and comics and host events. I respect everyone’s opinion as they are entitled voice their opinions; personally for what I paid, I was happy to play the game for a few months and now I’ve got my money’s worth after a few years.

By whining, I assume you mean posts saying things like “this sucks” with no actual constructive criticism behind them or evidence to support their claim.

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Ungrateful means not acknowledging the positives and only seeing the negatives.


Fair point. I’ll take that as my main definition of it from now on.