Forming Eichwalde Strike Force

Hey folks,

I am looking for five other players: Another tank, two healers, and two DPS to form a steady team with planned days and hours to play. I am not looking for prima donnas who think they are awesome. I am looking for high bronze, low silver players who want to grind matches and get up to gold (or however high we can get). Players need to have a mic, make call outs, and focus on getting better. I prefer a team of adults, no kids please.

If you are still looking, I am more than interested in joining for comp/QP. I would just need to know the days/times.

I am a tank main/support flex. For tanks, I play Rein, Orisa, and Road well with some Sigma mixed in. For support, I am good at Zen, Mercy, Lucio and am learning Baptiste.

My bnet is Zell#1519 and my discord is Zellora#2911

Have a great day!

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