Long time DVA main here.
DVA is really dead and Blizzard’s insistence that her identity be tied to defense matrix has lead to an outdated kit that has no impact anymore. The matrix buffs were wrong and didn’t help her as other parts of her kit needed work instead (and why do we have micro missiles, really?)
Time for a complete rework:
DVA is now a pure flying tank with mech and pilot mode.
She has free flight (activated with spacebar) and touch down. She moves as fast as Mercy in Valkyrie when flying.
Primary fire: Same as current fusion cannons but with 50% less spread, double falloff range but reduced dps. No movement penalty when shooting while on ground or air.
Shift, Toggle Ability - 5 second cd Boosters to fly at twice the speed for 2 seconds. Can be toggle to new ability Hard Boosters that allow cc immunity when boosting but at the cost of 15 sec cd. Flying dva can not boop targets unless using boosters. Critical hitbox damage reduced by 30% when using boosters but not Hard Boosters.
E - Current Self destruct that does 500 dmg on 15 meter radius on a 75 second cooldown. Cooldown reduces by 1 second for every 100dmg dealt. Re-Mech is instant after detonation.
Right click - Usual defense matrix with recharge rate buff reverted that gives 1.5X speed buff while flying but dva can not use boosters at same time or fire.
Q - Ultimate ability bunny hop (can only be used while grounded): DVA becomes cc immune and gets 70% damage reduction for 4 seconds while bunny hopping (stomping the ground) every 500ms with 2m hop distance. Bunny hops have a 10 m radius and slows enemies by 30% and deals 25 damage in the radius per hop. Slow effect lasts 2 seconds but does not stack and can only be applied once during the ultimate cast.
Pilot dva - Usual bunny blaster with call mech ultimate. Has one new E ability: Bigshot that fires a 20meter laser that does 120 damage. Cooldown 8 seconds. Pilot dva does not have instant remech.
So…let the compliments and complaints begin…