Forge. A discord server for players to help players

On a loosing streak? Or maybe your on a winning streak? Do you feel like you have something you want to share? Some trick that might help people play better? Or are you looking to get better, and maybe climb out of bronze, or work your way into gold?

Hello, and welcome! My name is Warrior, and I’m the proud owner of the discord server known as “Forge.” What is Forge? Forge is an Overwatch-based discord server that players join, and are placed in roles that match their league. So, let’s use an example. Do you need a support players who’s in Gold? You can find one on the right! Or maybe a bronze DPS/Flex? Check the players, and find out!

Forge was created to help form friendship, and to Forge new, better players. We hope you enjoy your stay should you decide to join, and make new friends along the way! If you think anyone you know would like Forge, then send them here! Everyone is welcome. We also would like some volunteers for coaching, if you think you’ve got what it takes to teach the new guys.

Thank you for your time! We hope to see you there!

https:// (remove the space in between // and discord.)

(Edit) Thank you to EVERYONE who joined for helping us reach 300 players! I can’t believe we’ve come so far in such short time! Come join the Forge Blacksmiths, and be apart of this community, and find some new friends to hang out with!



What a great idea good luck with it

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Thank you! Your words are appreciated!

Joined. Would love to see this grow! Great idea.

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Thanks. I got in. Thought last S was a 5

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Bump. Discord slowly growing. Great place to meet like-minded people who all want the same thing (to learn, practice, and meet non-toxic people). Feel free to hop in and check it out! :slight_smile:

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Bump! We’re still growing! Feel free to join regardless of rank!

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Daily bump. Can always use more people! :slight_smile:

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Its a really good server. Highly recommend as they are a great group of people :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Bump! Servers up to 75 people! We’re growing!

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Daily bump! <3 Hop in for the weekend, meet some people, make friends, group up! Dont soloqueue!


Bumpity :slight_smile:

Bump! 92 Members and climbing! We’re also forming Open Division teams if you’re interested.

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Hi is it just me or is the link not working

You copy it from here and paste it into the “Join a server” on Discord. Make sure you remove the spaces. I just used it, it works.

Thanks for all of the bumps, people! We’re at 99 players, and look for that last 100 player, as of typing this!

Bump! :slight_smile:

Joined. Super nice server!

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Bump! Still growing! 125+ people, 30+ online at peak times!

50+ Online last night! Multiple teams set up for Open Division, plus an invite to another Tournament!