Forfeit option if a person leaves competitive?

Just a thought- but if a user exits for the prolonged duration of a game, can we have the right to forfeit the match as a team? Maybe a voting system after a person leaves for the 2 min?

It sucks carrying a game on with 4 or less people and then having to play a whole other round against a full team.

But you can already just leave the game after the 2 minutes. Its equal to forfeiting, no?

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you have to wait for 2 min

Yes, and the op wrote for a voting system after 2 minutes.

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If they come back the game now removes the timer. Had a match that 2 user left the game and came back. Issue was they staggered it and came back at 1:50 min mark each time. They are now trolling you to see if you get a leaver Penalty.