Forced losses? Or no?

That would make sense if the matches aren’t always one sided.
Most of the time you get bunch of super easy matches where you don’t have to do a thing followed by unwinnable ones.

Even if it wasn’t intentional to happen (unlikely) it is just the result of the current system

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Yes, it is a thing. Game can arrange you literally unwinnable match.

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50/50 is pretty much a guarantee since two teams. say it was 3 teams vs each other then you may actually hover around 40 or even 30 percent

funny that since posting this i been playing arcade trying to get my weekly this early morning (3am here). im on a 8 game losing streak. im not one to blame my team but yea… poor play by me and my teammates or i just have had some bad luck. havnt been carried lol…

i wonder tho if i keep on losing will the system give me better teammates to carry me?

The streaks are a symptom of skill plateaus.

If you go on a win streak, the game puts you in harder matches.

So, if you haven’t actually improved, you will lose those harder matches until your MMR goes back down to where you belong.

It is not rigged.

The system thought you might be ready for the next level, and you weren’t.

Matchmaking is broken.

ML7 can drop as low as Masters in a single season.

The thing is that no1 cares the tragic stories of top500s, that rank up again during weekend.

For anyone bellow, this competitive system is a social experiment

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Except it’s on individual player, rather than on team basis.

Eventually yes. Or worse enemies.

Yep. Or worse teammates on the other team to drag them down. Your win streak is coming.

It’s not forced losses. It’s a horrid matchmaker that 1. doesn’t care with which ranks you’re placed with and 2. overcorrects for wins and losses. The combination makes everything stomps but you usually get a 50/50 approximately. They can’t force 50/50 because there is a possibility to never lose a single game but the matchmaker is horrid so the likelyhood of that is smaller than in other games.

just check your game history , on 10 games you’ll loose maybe 5-7 games and the next 10 games you’ll win 5-7 games .

I got like 4 losses in a row (either I was getting bad teams which seemed like it at the time or I was playing poorly, which is probably the case) but then suddenly I get 2 wins in a row that were absolute STOMPS. Not even close. I’ve had it reversed too, get 5 wins in a row, get stomped.

So yeah I think there’s at least some truth to it.

They can’t force exact number, but very much can force approximation to said number.

You can’t choose your teammates (unless you stack). You also can’t choose who you face against. What you can choose is to decide wether or not to stop playing. If you’re on a losing streak, this makes you play on a tilt the longer you keep going.

I’ve only recently started doing QP again after not having done it for pretty much the entire life of OW2. I started on a brand new account to see what the new user experience was like and it was absolutely miserable. I didn’t win a single match for 4 days.

I switched to my primary account and won and won and won.

I don’t actually know what any of that means but it felt relevant to this conversation. If somebody has ideas for what happened there, feel free to say.

I don’t know if I’d say they are “forced”, but the algorithm definitely changes your team composition after a win streak. And you end up with nearly uncarry-able teammates, thus making you go on unfair losing streaks.

Then… after a losing streak, the algo changes again and suddenly you get competent teammates you can actually do real teamwork with.