Forced losses ~3.2


Good players miss too.

Good players don’t overvalue Reinhardt’s ultimate.

Those who understand the fact that role queue specifically arranges the composition to provide more protection to players with the guarantee of 2 healers and 2 tanks means that it is the more casual mode.

Open queue has no such “safety net” or training wheels.

Which point? That was simply a response to your claim that open queue is easier. A claim for which you have provided zero evidence.

Although the discussion of open queue in this thread seems quite out of the blue. Not sure why you even brought it up?

No good players play Open Queue, so the remaining are bad players which is why SR is inflated in OQ


Never said good players never miss, they still get punished just like you did in that game so what’s your point? You deserve to win because good players also make the same mistake?

And the game is usually decided in open queue lobbies depending on what heroes your team plays, and most people’s SRs are inflated so games are not equal. There is a reason 3000 SR players are in top 500 for OQ.

No evidence? I literally just did, meanwhile all you have said is “RQ is casuals’ training wheels mode”. How is that evidence? How is that even a point?

I didn’t bring it up, you for some random reason felt the need to tell everyone you are in the top 10% of players to boost your already inflated ego, someone replied and told you that’s not true and here we are discussing how OQ players have inflated SRs.


Yes you did. See above.

Not at all.


I provided video evidence that in my games they were similar.

They’re not.

No you made a totally baseless claim which I debunked.

I told you exactly why it is. Do you need more help to understand?

Top 14% minimum, probably closer to top 10% as I’m mid diamond.

Open queue has nothing to do with that so again not sure why you bring it up?

It appears that as another poster highlighted you like to respond with completely unrelated topics.

Yes, my main atm is stuck at 2480ish LOL :clown_face: worked so hard solo healing a game in a 5v6 as solo support for majority of the match as the 2nd support leave, I won, but only get 22 for this win where I barely died etc. I dropped from like 2800 to 2450 a few days ago when queuing with my friend and his stack not, that I’m that annoyed, I’m just so angy that it feels like it takes 100x more effort than lets say 2 years ago lol.

I win 2 matches against 2 clearly high dia/low master DPS, win a 5v6 after, then suddenly stuck in a game with a Winston who is constantly feeding, a diamond Ana who did nothing but focus on the winston and never healed me or our other team so we just getting owned, she kept nano’ing the feeding winston who just die every rime.

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yup, thats how progress works, people get better


Errr? not true at all it’s just the matchmaker around the rank i’ve dropped to is filled with people of all different skill levels because placements/new accounts. The literal moment I solo queue everything gets easier.

I can go on my alt account which is like 1000 SR higher and have such a good time in the games, not steam rolls or EZ wins, really balanced games and a lot of fun.

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sorry my bad, it is the rigged match maker making you lose games…i forgot skill doesnt exist in this game…its pure luck


lol find in the message where i said that, also where did I say i lost?


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also, it matters how well you play as a team, not individually


lol, ok? why are u giving me a lecture about stuff u dunno about?

literally said about that I dropped like 400 sr when stacking with my friend and his friends and I’m not annoyed about it. It’s just ranking up after takes a lot more effort cause of all the different skill levels, one match I can get some really good tanks that can work with me, then the next game It’s tanks who barely understand what they’re doing.

I’ve been getting a lot of tank diffs even if it’s the enemy team or my own team it’s very noticeable


yup, so you were grouped, clearly you dont play well with your friend. holy crap, figure it out


I was 6 stacking on purpose and didn’t care about winning, was just having fun with my friend and his friends, they’re not very good, sure, but this is not what my comment was about.

I’m talking about the games AFTER when I was by myself solo queuing. Can you stop harassing me now when you’re ignoring everything I’ve said.

I’m just talking about the differences in every game with the tanks, I can notice the difference whether they be on the enemy team or my own team, you can easily tell when a tank isn’t up to par for their rating, if you can’t respect my observations then fine, but stop attacking me acting like I don’t know what I’m talking about ty.

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lol…ggez get wrekd n00b


Out of context you skipped the part before where I was talking about solo queuing, nice try though

this is the discussion, I was just explaining at the end why I had dropped to 2.4k and explained it felt harder to climb than it did 2 years ago.

Never in this message did I say I was trying to climb again with this stack, stop taking my message out of context.

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yup, you refuse to accept the fact that other people have gotten better. get over it bruh,you deserve to drop 400sr. ggez n00b


Err I’m 3.5k SR on my alt and win tons of games so your messages ain’t effecting me at all lol feel free to check if u dun believe :sunglasses:

sorry that u can’t accept that people notice the changes in skill between matches of the same rank that includes both my own team and enemy team btw not saying it’s just my own teams cause it’s not it’s both sides.

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so your alt is 700 sr below your main at 3.5, sure ok. but now your ult is even lower…so even if you claim to be masters, you cant carry a gold game…wow. math for the W


are u okay bro u think a Moira can 1v6 everything and anything?

also I play this account, not my main, and I have played this account for over a year now, I don’t play my main much

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what happened to your main being 3.5?

ggez n00b