Forced loss/win streaks

Someone who doesn’t play for long periods and only wants to come back to play casually in a ranked competitive system without having to improve their skills does not deserve to win though, through the 50/50 system you’re talking about.

I just uninstalled because of this, I’ve been on a loss streak for 3 days now after climbing out of gold to 2860, I lost 450 sr in 3 days after a month of climbing. I have had so many unwinnable games due to smurfs and terrible teammates, and some where we just got beaten or outplayed, but there is a distinct difference between those. Here is the other problem, some of the games that you probably should win, if we follow the 50/50 model, you don’t because you get a player that everyone else at your level has avoided for good reason. On top of SR stacking against players, and smurfs, people who intentionally throw or 1 trick heroes they can’t actually play well adds a whole other level of bs you have to wade through. I’m gonna be done with this game for a while, probably until OWL season 2 starts.

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50/50 is only the ideal consequence of you being where you are supposed to be. When you’re not where you are supposed to be in SR you wont have a 50/50 you’ll lose more than you win because you are not at the skill level to win some of those games. What you should be doing instead of blaming smurfs/troll/bad teams, is take a look at yourself and figure out what you can improve on to win more games.

Oh gosh darn it youre right i never thought of that golly gee, youre the first one who’s ever pointed that out! No duh i have stuff to improve on, but how is it that for the past 12 seasons i have been in mid-high plat and touched diamond 3 times, which indicates thats where my 50/50 should be according to you, and now I’m on a 450 loss streak and in mid gold?

If you read my earlier post I did say I am 100% deserving of my rank and know I have plenty to improve on.

My exact point is that it is very difficult to do exactly that when lots of your games are runs of 10+ stomps either way, as there is very little you can do to influence the game and as a consequence not much to take away from it either.


Not to mention that the 10 wins and 8 losses in streaks actually loses you SR overall because you always lose more than you win game to game, if you win 1 lose 1 your sr will be lower than when you started even though you should have just evened out.


Its possible that you’re just not doing as well anymore, if you consider the fact that everyone else is improving it may not be that you’re playing any worse but the majority of other players are playing better.

This only happens in 2 circumstances. If you’re in master and GM where the system is actively trying to push people down harder, requiring a higher winrate to stay at that rank. Or if you are at an SR that the matchmaking system doesn’t think you should be at most likely because of a large win streak.

I can 100% appreciate this criticism, and i think its something almost all players are experiencing. The only thing anyone can do is improve to win the 1 in 3 or 1 in 5 games that aren’t a stomp.

A large win streak that spanned 12 seasons?

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Read the first part of my post the part you are referencing was not a response to you being in gold now.

I agree but life usually isn’t about “who deserves what”. From a business perspective the game has been sold to a lot of casuals and giving them a good gaming experience might be in the interests of Blizzard.

They would win/lose 50/50 even without forcing it but with a forced 50/50 it is easier to lower the chances of long loss streaks (and the related bad gaming experience for someone who doesn’t play long hours daily).

According to overbuff you’ve just played a minute ago. Have you reinstalled? :joy:

In a complex team game like this it’s nearly impossible to create a good matchmaker for teams of random players. No magic (like role queue) will solve this problem. If you want to control more (team related) variables then you have to build your own team. You are only one of a team of six so climbing alone is unpredictable. In my opinion per-player ranks are stupid in a heavily team based game with specialised roles but that’s what casual players want. Almost no one wants to build his own team like hardcore/pro players so giving team ranks (that would be much more accurate and would make much more sense) could not be sold.

If you want to climb from silver to gold easily in solo queue then you have to be a plat. If you want to climb from gold to plat then you have to be diamond. Etc…

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Well if it helps I’m back to smurfing (you can thank this forums for that).

I play a lot every day and…

1- bronze-gold has WAY less smurfs than diamond.

2- there is very, very, VERY little difference in skill between players.

What does happen is that some people think they are better and deserve more rank. They DO NOT. They play the same as everyone (trust me the playerbase here is kind of low and I play the same people over and over.

People that think they deserve more tilt super easy, they don’t respect their team and tend to lose very easy to win games.

That’s my 2 cents.

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What if, and you’ll have to bear with me here for this insane idea, the mmr system is actually terrible at estimating your ability so when it “balances” you to a 50/50 game it is completely wrong.

Then after you lose enough stomp games it over corrects, leading to some easy wins. Creating a yoyo win streak system.

Every helpless stomp explained.

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How on earth could an MMR across all heros be accurate? Especially when it comes to quality of the team built using 6 such MMRs. I’m actually surprised that some people expect quality matchmaking based on this.

In my opinion a simplified version of the game (perhaps as a separate/additional game mode) without in-game hero switch would be much more suitable for casuals. That version could use per-hero MMR and the matchmaker would have a much better understanding of the team it is building given that the players choose the hero before matchmaking and the matchmaker decides about the composition.

Per-player rank (especially across all heros) doesn’t make much sense in the current game. The MMR and the rank are quite inaccurate and depend a lot on the situation that is very volatile when you are mixed with 5 other players who’s skills are measured the same unreliable way.

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Or, and again totally insane I know, they scrap the current hidden mmr for competitive and just use SR?


“But they do!” No they don’t, proven by Kaawumba and everytime mmr is talked about mmr is not sr and are not even comparable apparently.

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I really don’t understand why we need it. Surely if there was no MMR, your SR would become a much truer representation of your rank. There might be a few unbalanced games to start , sure. But obviously it’s not like stomps don’t exist with MMR either!

And if you’re not good enough to win games at your rank without being carried by someone with higher MMR who has the same SR as you, by definition you do not deserve to be at the same SR and would derank.


The response you’ll commonly see is that mmr allows for decay and this is needed to send decayed players back to their undecayed rank quicker. Mouthful, I know. This is for 10% of 3% - so around 0.3% of the player base.

Obviously this is silly. You do not design an entire system around such a tiny population.

That being said, don’t you have phones?

“Terrible” is an exaggeration. I would say “not great” and have been saying so for a long time. How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13) → “How Accurate is SR?”.

I’ve also described this: How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13) → “Matchmaking” → “Okay, stomps are going to happen, but why are there so many win/loss streaks and large SR/MMR movements?”.

You’re misquoting me here. Matching is indeed done by MMR, but MMR and SR are very similar. Matching by SR instead of MMR (assuming details like decay are taken care of somehow) wouldn’t change much as far as match quality goes.

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Not really as you can’t say:

Without agreeing that mmr and sr are not always close. We’ve been through that side though many times, so I doubt we will reach a consensus here.

You seem to accusing me of a contradiction, but I’m really not seeing it (or what you are getting at well enough to argue the point).

i have no friends to play with and lfg is long dead