Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

Depends on whether you are really interested in a competition or in winning.
If winning is the driving factor (I think most casual players play to win, not to improve), you might play this game like you are in front of a slot machine.
→ “Bad matchmaking, but I’ll have better luck with the next game.”
That is exactly what you can observe in this game.


Even at the time of Vanilla Overwatch, it was the most common definition given by players to this game.

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2 things whenever this comes up:

  • people never complain about win streaks which presumably happen just as often…which gives off impression that you don’t care as long as you climb

  • y’all act like you would be perfectly fine with exact 50/50 if no streaks existed (something that’s completely unavoidable but w/e)….when given the first point you know damn well you’re going to complain about not climbing

Reality: people complain about matchmaking…stop acting like it’s fixable….you’re going to complain no matter what

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They do.

It’s obviously rigged, that’s what people complain about.


idk i dont think casuals enjoy loss streaks either. forcing those by the system would be just an insane thing to do no matter what imo.

I also doubt blizzard would have the capability to cater streaks to each individual player when needed.

Threads like this make me want to quit the community forever. People like the op really believe this and wont change no matter what.

Its sad people like that exist and spread coping loser takes all over the internet all day every day

Right…these forums are riddled with complaints about win streaks

A losing streak is evidence of rigging? If rigging actually existed nobody would be able to climb…ever

Every now and then people create threads like this.
Most people don’t complain about winning too much because they think they are especially good at the game.

Have you never felt bad because you’re constantly being given incredibly bad enemies? That happens to me regularly.

Of course it is possible to climb. If you know what to do, it’s possible for any player to climb. But you have to do strange things in the mid-range ranks, things you would never do in the master range and higher.

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People don’t want good matches. They want victories.

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You also need to relise that is common to lose more, as not all maps/modes are equal.

Look at attack and defend, on attack I lose way more often, having to push multiple points only to get it to 99% of the way is still a loss, and when im defending I usally win alot more.

Its not ranked where you switch sides, so there is some unfairness in many maps/modes.

Losing a attack where the payload only moves 1% vs 99% are vastly different games, but both are lost.

Not all lost are equal, so people need to stop looking at just wins and lost and more at the actuall matches

If that makes sence

You are basically saying that you flipped a coin 5 times and it landed tails each time so you must’ve been flipping a coin that is tails on both sides.

There’s just a pretty decent chance of losing 5 games in a row even if you play fine, because there’s a lot of factors out of your control. This includes things the matchmaker simply cannot predict—such as whether people will play heroes they’re less good at, whether people will choose synergistic team comps, whether people will be distracted or not concentrating, etc. So even if the matchmaker is trying to create a 50/50 game, it will inevitably end up with lopsided games a fair bit, because there’s tons of information the matchmaker doesn’t know. In the long term, that stuff will cancel out because it’ll sometimes help your team and sometimes hurt your team, so in the long run you’ll end up with about a 50% win rate. In a given playing session, though, you might end up losing a bunch in a row, because that’s just how probabilities work. To go back to the coin example: If you flip a coin a ton of times, it’ll be tails 50% of the time, but if you flip a coin 5 times, you may well get tails 5 times in a row. It doesn’t mean the coin is rigged—it’s just that there’s a decent chance a 50/50 chance will go against you several times in a row.

As a sidenote, I don’t really think your post makes sense in terms of being “hard stuck.” You say you have a 65% win rate on the heroes you’re playing. If you have a 65% win rate, you will climb, and you are not “hard stuck.” Even with a 65% win rate, there’s still a chance of losing several in a row (after all, you still lose 35% of your games!), but definitionally those are more than balanced out by wins. So I’m not sure if you’re complaining about being “hard stuck” as much as you are complaining about it taking some time to climb with a 65% win rate. If you have a 65% win rate, you won’t climb super quickly, because you aren’t winning all your games. But you will absolutely climb if you play enough games. Either that or your win rate will go down towards 50%—in which case you may be “hard stuck” but at a rank that you very likely deserve to be at.

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Please tell me that this game is not rigged.
I have matches like this all the time and I watch TV while playing.
It’s not about winning five games in a row.
Look at the stats, in none of the possible realities could they have won.
Please go ahead and tell me that this was completely unpredictable.

So you gave up trying that game. I wonder if your team did as well.

Oh look at the screenshot first.

Oh nvm your team is the better team. Well perhaps some on the enemy team gave up trying.

Rigging is quite vague term that means different things to different people.

If we take it to mean that the match was intentionally set up so all the 5 players on the red team were “forced to lose”, and all the 5 players on the blue team were “forced to win”, then no.

It can happen for various other reasons.
It doesnt necessarily take a lot for a given match to get completely lopsided.

Why do you think that? I watched the replay of this game. None of the players on the opposing team would play better in any role than the players on our team. You can see it very clearly. There’s no better explanation than that they are “ranks” below. They switched heroes, they really tried!

I’m convinced that QP has basically no matchmaker at all.

Not that I would be able to check since everyone is afraid of open profiles

Bad matchmaking or bad games (for reasons we dont know) doesnt mean the system is designed to force people into wins and losses.

Other than that, it would be a lot of development effort for blizzard to build such as system, for absolutely zero gain.

QP is a wild case due to no restrictions in grouping etc.
Grouping is known to be the biggest problem in matchmaking in general.

People do have MMR in qp, but its generally not as strict as in comp.