Forced 50/50 win loss

I think OW got rid of player levels and portraits to hide the fact they are forcing 50/50 win loss. When I would be playing OW1 I would get matched up with people around my portrait level and my endorsement level, but every couple of matches I would get grouped in with a bunch of low levels and low endorsements.

Now you could say the game put me with those players because there wasnt enough people playing, but then it would put me on that team of low levels and low endorsements against a team of full Plats level 4 endorsements and just get dominated for no reason

Now that player levels and endorsement ratings are hidden, they can hide that better. Now you dont know when you get grouped with a bunch of low endorsement/low levels and are up against a team of more seasoned players.

Conspiracy theory yes, but that happened enough in OW1 where it became a pattern and i noticed it and I cant be the only who did.


I think they they hid the level borders because the overwatch community is a radioactive toxic sludge that blames everything and everyone.
Could you imagine if they could see who was a new player?

  • except themselves

10 characters


Level =/= skill
Endorsement level =/= skill

Well at least you admit it is a crazy conspiracy theory meant to be a coping mechanism.

Again though the reason the win rate is 50/50 is because that what will naturally happen if the system is able to find your true skill level and match you up with 9 other people of similar skill level (with it increasing with wins and decreasing with losses). A 50/50 will naturally occur by creating a standard MMR ladder system. There is no need to add pointless complexity to force something that will occur naturally.


If Im playing a game where I only win 50% of the time, no matter how hard I try. Why would I want to play that game? I play games to win more than 50% of the time or at least try to.

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Not exactly, but practically yes they are.

People have created a conspiracy theory around this that is just non-sense.

What is happening:
If you win more than 50% of the game Blizzard puts you against higher skilled opponents until you stabilize at roughly 50%. Net effect is you are kind of forced into a 50/50 win rate.

What is NOT happening:
Blizzard creates sabotaged games that force you to lose.

Look, like many conspiracies this one breaks apart if you really step back and think about it. Think about what would be involved in trying to create sabotaged games to force losses. They would have to track your skill and your opponents skill. Then create games that are wildly mismatched. But they also have to be making sure they are doing the same thing for the other team’s players so they can force them a short time latter into a losing match. But that means more people that they have to keep sorted for who has to be put in a mismatched game. And they have to do it in a way that is subtle, other wise it would become apparent really quick. But then they have to create lots of close games too, otherwise everyone would just complain about a bad matchmaker. So, a TON more complexity and work. And the reward? More players upset about bad games and complaints. There is literally no value to Blizzard in doing that to keep people locked in their rank. Zero benefit for a TON of work, plus some real negatives. Or they could just get you a 50/50 win rate by making you fight people that match you. Far less work, far happier customers, and no need to hide anything.

Sorry, at the end of the day the idea that Blizzard sabotages your games is a crazy, completely pointless conspiracy theory.


Then find a game where matches don’t end with 50% of players losing.


The post was about how forced it is. There is no reason I should have to play with a bunch of new players, no offence, against a full group of seasoned players just because Im due for a loss.

When I play roulette I play the whole table to increase my odds of winning , i dont just play red and black.


Then do not play any game with a matchmaking system which is 99% of all online games. Short of randomly matching you with 9 other people you will have a 50% win rate. Any competitive system designed will end up with you at a 50% win rate.

If you wish to have higher than that get better because at the extremes of course you can diverge from that. If your goal is to climb then simply get improve and you will climb and then the end of the climbing is proof you need to make further improvements.


Except that is not how it works. You are talking about the system incorrectly. The system does not go “well you won your last 2 so lets make you lose these next 2”. That would be pointless complexity when the much simpler way is to find you a game in which it estimates you have a 50/50 chance of winning and adjusting your MMR accordingly after the result.

It is simple and effective and is how the system works. The end result is a 50/50 win rate but it is not forced; if you were consistently improving as an example you would win far more than 50% of the time and your MMR would be continuously climbing.

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I just want a game that matches me with players of my skill level every match. I dont want to be matched with players that have a couple hours of play time on their account.

I know that player levels and endorsement scores do not equal skill but they do indicate a basic knowledge of how the game works.

I would take a zero skill plat player over a new player with a handful of hours any day.


Sure there is. Those ‘new players’ are just as good at the game as you are. Cause that is how the matchmaker works.

The game IS matching you with players of your skill level. If that happens to be people with a couple of hours of play time, well that is where you skill level is.


You’re a clown keep drinking that blizzard koolaid

50 50 is real , thats why they ve chosen to hide stats , profiles , win loss history. Your IQ below freezing celsius?

im still 81% winrate at diamond 4 :gorilla:

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Yup wait until that loss streak hits cause game decided you are now the “carrier” and you’ll go down fast

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No! I blame the 50/50 system!

Most people like the challenge of playing people of equal skill level. I don’t want to win more than 50% of the time. I want tough, close matches, win or lose. That’s why I play competitive, a system designed to match players of equal skill levels. Not one designed to force losses (why would they do this?).

It’s like if you were playing a ranked chess game, and they were like, okay, you’ve won three in a row, time to play a grandmaster. Lol. Like, what would be the point of that? You think blizzard is that dumb?

I am the carrier in most games, just today I had atleast 2 games where i had 10k+ more damage than the other dps and we still won

Yup maybe you are an outlier then. This is not the norm.

A lot of hostility there.

That kind of hostile response and latching on to a conspiracy theory tends to be a consequence of a desperate desire to believe something deep down you know is false. In this case it is likely there is a deep desire to believe you are better than you are.

Blizzard does try to make 50/50. They do it the really simple way, the way that works the best and takes the least effort. If you win more they make raise your rank so you fight tougher opponents. If you lose more they lower your rank so you fight easier opponents. Not complicated. So, if you are at a 50/50 win rate, that means you are being matched with opponents of your skill level.

Your desperate desire to believe you are an amazing player and Blizzard is just sabotaging you doesn’t actually make it true. Sorry.

Honestly this whole ‘Blizzard sabotages my games to force me to lose’ conspiracy theory is absolutely stupid. Like most conspiracy theories it breaks down if you really think about it. It would take a MASSIVE investment on Blizzard’s part while providing no actual benefit. In fact it would actively make the game worse for everyone, losing Blizzard players and costing them money. The idea that Blizzard is going to spend a TON of money and resources on a system that has zero benefit to Blizzard is preposterous before you even consider the fact it would lose them money. The only reason people believe it is because they want it to be true because that would give them an excuse for not being the rank they think they should be.